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S Immo

Budapest Office Property "BudaPart Gate" Acquired by S-Immo

S Immo AG has acquired the "BudaPart Gate" office building in Hungary's capital, Budapest. Read more about the transaction and BudaPart Gate.
November 15, 2021

Two of Austrian Biggest Commercial Real Estate Companies Could Turn to One

The Austrian commercial real estate company Immofinanz AG has decided to make a voluntary public takeover offer for the s Immo AG. The two companies have considered a merger in the past, but the intentions never succeeded. Whether or not the public takeover offer will be going through this time depends on the General Meeting of s Immo and antitrust approvals.
March 18, 2021

Austrian Real Estate Companies with Devaluations in Central and Eastern Europe

Austrian real estate companies CA Immo and s-Immo felt the pressure of the Covid-19 crisis and had to face significant revaluations of their properties in Austria, Germany and Central Eastern Europe.
August 25, 2020

Financier Ronny Pecik Appointed Chief Executive Officer of Immofinanz

Croatian-Austrian star investor and largest single investor becomes CEO of commercial real estate group Immofinanz AG.
April 23, 2020

Petrus Advisers finalises the sale of its S-Immo stake

Petrus Advisers ("Petrus") have finalised the sale of their 3.9 percent stake in S Immo AG ("SPI"). With a capital gain for Petrus of 73% in less than 18 months Petrus Advisers views the market dislocation of S-Immo shares of early 2016 as remedied.
August 22, 2017

S IMMO AG / Preliminary results for 2016 and outlook

Not yet audited, preliminary IFRS results of S IMMO AG for the financial year 2016 show an EBIT of approximately EUR 278m (2015: EUR 165.7m) and a consolidated net income of about EUR 200m (2015: EUR 77.2m). Thus, S IMMO will achieve the best results in its history. Based on these record results, EPRA NAV per share as at 31 December 2016 will rise to about EUR 14.6 and book value per share as at 31 December 2016 will rise to about EUR 12.
March 6, 2017

S IMMO expects high results from property valuation

The management board of S IMMO AG expects a very high level of results from property valuation for the financial year 2016. From today's perspective, the results from property valuation will more than double compared to the figure for the financial year 2015 (EUR 84.6m).
February 13, 2017

S IMMO AG / Quarterly Report

S IMMO AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
November 29, 2016

S IMMO AG / S IMMO AG remains on course for record-setting year

The 2016 financial year is set to be another record year for S IMMO. As at the end of the third quarter, the positive trend of the preceding quarters has been reaffirmed and can be attributed to various factors.
November 29, 2016

S IMMO AG / S IMMO resolves share repurchase programme

The Management Board of S IMMO AG has resolved today to start a share repurchase programme under sec 65 para 1 fig 8 of the Austrian Stock Corporations Act (AktG). The volume totals up to 669,171 shares (1% of the current share capital). At present, the company holds 190,003 own shares (roughly 0.28% of the current share capital). The repurchase programme will begin on 04 October 2016 and will end on 09 December 2016.
September 28, 2016

S IMMO AG / Half Yearly Report

S IMMO AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
August 25, 2016

S IMMO AG / Record half-year results

The first six months of the 2016 financial year were extremely successful for S IMMO. This was largely due to the revaluation gains, which amounted to EUR 106.9m in the first half of 2016. The dynamic growth on the German real estate market was the primary driver of this development.
August 25, 2016

S IMMO AG / Successful sale of German residential properties

Today S IMMO has entered into contracts regarding the sale of a part of its German residential portfolio to "Deutsche Investment Wohnen III", a fund managed by Deutsche Investment, together with EB GROUP. The transaction comprises approximately 1,500 residential units in Berlin and Hamburg.
August 12, 2016

S IMMO AG / High results on property valuation expected for the first half year of 2016

The management board of S IMMO AG expects a high result on property valuation for the first half year of 2016. This is due to the positive developments in the markets of S IMMO - in Germany but in other markets as well.
July 22, 2016

S IMMO AG / S IMMO intends to sell part of its German residentialportfolio

The Management Board and Supervisory Board of S IMMO AG have today decided in principle to sell part of the German residential portfolio of S IMMO Group by means of a structured sales process with a selected group of prospective purchasers.
June 3, 2016

S IMMO AG / Sucessful start into 2016

Following the record annual results in 2015, stock exchange listed S IMMO AG (Bloomberg: SPI:AV, Reuters: SIAG.VI) continued the positive trend in the first quarter of 2016. According to Ernst Vejdovszky, CEO of S IMMO AG, "We are seeing highly dynamic price development on Berlin's residential property market.
May 24, 2016

S IMMO AG / Consolidated net income of approximately EUR 27m expected for the first quarter 2016

In particular due to a high result on property valuation of its Berlin residential portfolio S IMMO AG (Bloomberg: SPI:AV, Reuters: SIAG.VI; ISIN: AT0000652250, AT0000795737, AT0000630694, AT0000A19SB5, AT0000A177D2, AT0000A1DBM5, AT0000A1DWK5) expects consolidated EBIT for the first quarter to amount to approximately EUR 55m (Q1 2015: EUR 18.6m) and consolidated net income for the period to approximately EUR 27m (Q1 2015: EUR 8.1m) thus significantly exceeding the corresponding previous year's figures.
May 18, 2016

S IMMO AG / Yearly Report

S IMMO AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
April 28, 2016

S IMMO AG / Record result leads to dividend increase

Stock exchange listed S IMMO AG (Bloomberg: SPI:AV, Reuters: SIAG.VI) has confirmed the preliminary figures released on 31 March 2016. The company once again delivered a record result in the 2015 financial year - net income more than doubled, coming in at EUR 77.2m.
April 28, 2016

Preliminary results for S IMMO AG / Record profit in 2015

The stock exchange listed real estate investment company S IMMO AG (Bloomberg: SPI:AV, Reuters: SIAG.VI) has once again achieved a significant increase in its annual results, thus exceeding the goals it set for the financial year 2015. The primary contributors to this success were the positive developments in Germany and the substantial reduction of financing costs.
March 31, 2016

S IMMO AG / High results on property valuation expected

The management board of stock exchange listed S IMMO AG assumes that S IMMO Group's results on property valuation for the year 2015 will significantly exceed those for the year 2014 (2014: EUR 56.6m). Due to the expected high results on property valuation, consolidated EBIT and consolidated net income for 2015 are expected to increase significantly. The preliminary results for 2015 will be published on 31 March 2016.
January 25, 2016

S IMMO AG / Quarterly Report

S IMMO AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
December 17, 2015

S IMMO AG / Q3 results right on track

With the results for the third quarter of 2015, stock exchange listed real estate company S IMMO AG (Bloomberg: SPI:AV, Reuters: SIAG.VI) is confirming its positive trend for the current year. Ernst Vejdovszky, CEO of S IMMO AG: "S IMMO is completely on track with its ambitious plans for 2015, and all of our key figures are in line with the targets for the year as a whole.
November 26, 2015

S IMMO AG / half-year results highlight positive trend

With the publication of the results for the first half of 2015, stock exchange listed real estate company S IMMO AG (Bloomberg: SPI:AV, Reuters: SIAG.VI) is confirming its positive trend and its goals for the current financial year.
August 27, 2015

S IMMO AG / Quarterly Report

S IMMO AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
May 28, 2015

S IMMO AG / Successful start to 2015

Following the publication of the successful annual results for 2014 a couple of weeks ago, stock exchange listed real estate company S IMMO AG is now continuing the positive trend in the first quarter of 2015.
May 28, 2015

S IMMO AG / Yearly Report

S IMMO AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
April 29, 2015

S IMMO AG plans to raise dividend to EUR 0.24

S IMMO AG plans to raise dividend to EUR 0.24.
April 29, 2015

S IMMO AG: new issuance of bonds 2015-2027

Stock exchange listed S IMMO AG announces the new issuance of the EUR 65,000,000 3,25% S IMMO bonds 2015-2027 (ISIN: AT0000A1DWK5) under S IMMO AG's EUR 300,000,000 issuance programme.
April 21, 2015

S IMMO AG fixes terms of corporate bond 2015-2027

Stock exchange listed S IMMO AG (Bloomberg: SPI:AV, Reuters: SIAG.VI; ISIN: AT0000652250) will issue the announced corporate bond (ISIN: AT0000A1DWK5) with a volume of EUR 65m and a maturity of twelve years, with a coupon of 3.25% at an issue price of 101,5%.
April 15, 2015

S IMMO AG / New bond issues

Stock exchange listed S IMMO AG (Bloomberg: SPI:AV, Reuters: SIAG.VI; ISIN: AT0000652250) announces the new issuance of the EUR 33,993,500 3.25% S IMMO bond 2015-2025 (ISIN: AT0000A1DBM5) under S IMMO AG's EUR 250,000,000 issuance programme.
April 9, 2015

S IMMO AG / Exchange offer sucessfully closed

On 11 March 2015, stock exchange listed S IMMO AG published a voluntary public exchange offer with cash-alternative to the holders of S IMMO INVEST participating certificates, ISIN AT0000795737 and ISIN AT0000630694 for the purchase of S IMMO participating certificates by means of an alternative exchange and cash offer. The acceptance period ended on 31 March 2015.
April 2, 2015

Preliminary results of S IMMO AG / Net income up by 20%

Stock exchange listed S IMMO AG (Bloomberg: SPI:AV, Reuters: SIAG.VI) has maintained the sound trend of recent years with its preliminary figures for the financial year 2014 and another significant increase in net income. The positive development across all the company's markets was a key factor in this success.
March 25, 2015

S IMMO AG / exchange offer with cash alternative for S IMMO INVESTparticipating certificates

The Management Board of S IMMO AG (Bloomberg: SPI:AV, Reuters: SIAG.VI; ISIN: AT0000652250, AT0000795737, AT0000630694, AT0000A19SB5, AT0000A177D2) resolved today, with the authorization of the Supervisory Board, that S IMMO AG will make a voluntary public offer to the holders of the outstanding 1,130,681 S IMMO INVEST participating certificates (ISIN: AT0000795737 and ISIN: AT0000630694) to acquire their S IMMO INVEST participating certificates either by exchanging them for a bond ("exchange offer") or for a cash consideration ("cash-alternative").
March 2, 2015

S IMMO AG expects consolidated net income for the financial year2014 to increase by approximately 20%

Stock exchange listed S IMMO AG announces that due to the positive developments in the markets of S IMMO, consolidated EBIT is expected to increase by approximately 45% compared to the previous year (2013: EUR 95.79m).
February 23, 2015

S IMMO AG starts further share repurchase programme

The Management Board of S IMMO AG has resolved today to start a further share repurchase programme under sec 65 para 1 fig 8 of the Austrian Stock Corporations Act (AktG).
December 9, 2014

S IMMO AG / results higher again

Stock exchange listed S IMMO AG (Bloomberg: SPI.AV, Reuters: SIAG.VI) looks back on a highly successful third quarter of 2014.
November 27, 2014

S IMMO AG /Financial calender 2015

Stock exchange listed S IMMO AG announces the following dates for the financial calendar 2015.
October 24, 2014

S IMMO AG participates in the bidding process for CA Immo shares

Stock exchange listed S IMMO AG announces that the Management Board today decided to submit a binding offer in the ongoing bidding process for the acquisition of UniCredit Bank Austria AG's stake of 16.35% in CA Immobilien Anlagen Aktiengesellschaft. The outcome of the bidding process is uncertain and will be communicated by UniCredit Bank Austria AG at the appropriate time.
September 30, 2014

S IMMO AG very successfully prices and issues corporate bond

The stock exchange listed S IMMO AG will issue the announced corporate bond with a volume of EUR 100m and a maturity of five years, with a coupon of 3% at an issue price of 101,431%. The bond was almost three times oversubscribed in the institutional placement.
September 24, 2014

S IMMO AG / S IMMO AG to issue corporate bond

The Management Board of stock exchange listed S IMMO AG intends, with the authorization of the Supervisory Board, to issue a fixed interest corporate bond with a volume of up to EUR 100m and a maturity of five years. Erste Group Bank AG and Raiffeisen Bank International AG were mandated as joint lead managers.
September 17, 2014

S IMMO AG / results of exchange offer for S IMMO INVEST
participating certificates

S IMMO AG / results of exchange offer for S IMMO INVEST participating certificates
June 10, 2014

S IMMO AG / goals for 2014 confirmed by good start to year

S IMMO AG / goals for 2014 confirmed by good start to year
May 27, 2014

S IMMO AG: Offer to Exchange S IMMO INVEST Participating Certificates to Open Tomorrow

Vienna based real-estate developing Company S Immo AG announces its offer to exchange S IMMO INVEST participating certificates for bonds.
May 20, 2014

S IMMO AG / Start of exchange offer for S IMMO INVEST participating

S IMMO AG / Start of exchange offer for S IMMO INVEST participating certificates
May 19, 2014

S IMMO AG / Start of the exchange offer for S IMMO INVESTparticipating certificates postponed

S IMMO AG announces that the start of the exchange offer has been postponed for processing reasons.
April 30, 2014

S IMMO AG / Exchange offer for S IMMO INVEST participating

S IMMO AG / Exchange offer for S IMMO INVEST participating certificates
April 29, 2014

S IMMO AG / dividend to be raised from EUR 0.15 to EUR 0.20 per share

S IMMO AG / dividend to be raised from EUR 0.15 to EUR 0.20 per share
April 29, 2014