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Federation of Industries: “Industrial Compact“ for European Competitiveness

The Austrian Federation of Industries (IV) considers the EU entry of Austria as the basis of prosperty and economic growth in the past years. However, now reforms are required to catch up to a global level.
May 5, 2014

Industrial Location Austria Losing Attractiveness

Among other things, labor costs and energy prices are too high, according to the Austrian Federation of Industries.
April 16, 2014

Leitl: “Growth Must Not Mean Less Reforms”

Economic growth is now weaker than in the previous phases of upturn.
March 28, 2014

Austria: Reform Steps Very Modest

Austria, along with Germany and Switzerland, hardly put any economic reforms into realization. This is the conclusion of the annual “reform barometer” for the three countries.
March 20, 2014

Wifo Warns European Council of Economic-Policy Standstill

The Austrian Institute of Economic Research sharply criticizes the current economic policy of the European Union and calls for a change of course to reach the self-defined targets.
March 19, 2014

Cernko: Wealthy to Support R&D in Austria

The CEO of Bank Austria calls upon the Austrian government to take into consideration the funding of research and development by wealthy individuals and regard this as part of their “tax duty”.
February 12, 2014

Austria: Kapsch Delivers Warning to Policy-Makers

Georg Kapsch, President of the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV), is very cautious about economic growth in Austria and warns the policy-makers of a budget consolidation on the basis of expectations of growth.
December 27, 2013

Leitl: No Alternative to Budget Consolidation

Christoph Leitl, President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO), regards the coalition agreement between the Social Democrats (SPÖ) and the People’s Party (ÖVP) acceptable.
December 13, 2013

Leitl: Government Plans “Complete Nonsense“

According to Christoph Leitl, President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, the “great” suggestions planned by his working group are not realized by the government.
December 10, 2013

Austria: Debt Quota to Increase Slightly

Because of the new EU regulations the debt quota will increase by around 2.5 percent.
December 3, 2013

EU Needs Investments for Growth

Europe will not see any substantial growth without serious investment in research and innovation.
November 28, 2013

Austria: Wifo’s Estimates More Optimistic

Wifo forecasts Austria to keep its growth advantage if “smart” consolidation measures are carried out by the government.
November 20, 2013

Trade in Austria Has Increased Since Opening of CESEE Market

Today the Austrian Institute for Economic Research (Wifo) published the “Analysis of the Austrian Balance of Trade“ on behalf of the Economic Ministry.
October 10, 2013

EU Commission: Poland Lacks in Innovation and Work Efficiency

According to the EU Commission’s annual report on the competitiveness among the EU member countries, which was released on Wednesday, Poland has been improving its competitiveness.
September 26, 2013

Slovenia: Economic Outlook Deteriorates

Slovenia has slipped back into recession as its real GDP declined by 2.3 % in 2012.
September 26, 2013

Austria Placed 9th in Competition Ranking

According to the latest EU Competition report 2013, Austria ranks ninth among 28 member states. The leaders in the ranking are Sweden, followed by Germany and Denmark while Bulgaria, Latvia and Romania are at the lowest positions.
September 25, 2013

Leitl: “Grand Coalition Did Not Fulfill Expectations“

Christoph Leitl, President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO), favors a change in the governing parties as the grand coalition has not realized the necessary reforms.
September 24, 2013

Czech Enterprises Will Not Cut R&D Expenses

According to a survey carried out by consulting company Deloitte, almost 90 percent of Czech enterprises will keep the amount of expenses in research and development unchanged or even increase the spendings.
September 23, 2013

Austria: WKO Demands Impulses for R&D

Deputy President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO), Martha Schultz, demands new impluses for research and innovation in the years from 2014 to 2020.
September 19, 2013

Leitl Recommends Parties Not to Raise Hopes

President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Christoph Leitl considers the demand of the Social Democrats and Chancellor Werner Faymann for a tax relief as soon as 2015 utopian.
September 17, 2013

Austria Requires More Risk Capital

On an international level, the risk capital investments in domestic enterprises are low at only 0.04 percent of GDP.
September 12, 2013

Romania: West Region to Catch Up Economically

Romania's West Region aims to catch up with its more developed peers in the European Union.
September 9, 2013

Czech Republic to Remain in Recession

The Czech economy will, according to the Finance Ministry in Prague, shrink by 1.5 percent and only start growing again in 2014 by 0.8 percent.
July 26, 2013

Spindelegger: Fitness Program for Austria

Austrian economy supposed to be boosted by reforms of “Unternehmen Österreich 2025, and a rejection of new taxes.
July 10, 2013

Leitl: „There Is No More Time To Waste“

Switzerland and Sweden pull away from the rest of the European countries in regard to international competitiveness, according to the latest IMD report, while Austria has been falling behind.
May 31, 2013

Maria Fekter: Hot-Tempered Lady At the Fireplace

Raiffeisen Centralbank (RZB) organized a „fireplace chat“ with Finance Minister Maria Fekter which took place on May 7 in Vienna.
May 8, 2013

Leitl: „Cut of Base Rate by ECB Important and Necessary Signal“

President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce Christoph Leitl welcomed the cut of the main refinancing rate to 0.5 percent.
May 2, 2013

Kapsch TrafficCom Lands Important Contract in Poland

Kapsch wins another important railway communications contract in Poland
April 29, 2013

Slovakia: R&D Spendings Low But Increasing

Compared with other countries, Slovakia’s R&D spendings are little but slowly and steadily they are increasing. Among the countries with the highest growth rates of R&D spendings, Slovakia ranks 5th.
April 22, 2013

Poland: Appealing BPO Location

Poland has been increasing its attractivity as a location for Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). This becomes evident by the numbers of personnel.
April 15, 2013

Austria: How to Finance Future Innovations

„Austria’s Future Needs Innovation” was the title of a discussion organized by the Research Council, the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) and the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV).
April 9, 2013

New opportunities for Lithuanian and Turkish business

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė together with Turkish leader Abdullah Gül opened the Lithuania-Turkey business forum.
April 4, 2013

Czech Republic Eases Austerity Policy

In order to boost economic growth, the Czech government tends to refrain from the strict austerity course.
March 5, 2013

Austria: Economic Outlook Remains Cautious

Although Austria´s economy suffers from a number of major defects, the performance is still better than in the Eurozone.
February 25, 2013

Voestalpine´s Research Expenditures Have Tripled

Since 2000, voestalpine´s research expenses were up to € 132m. this corresponds to 1.1% of the total sales.
February 16, 2013

“Not Enough Support for Growth and Competitiveness“

Georg Kapsch, President of the Federation of Austrian Industries criticizes that the EU budget does not contain enough future investments.
February 9, 2013

EU Wants Austria to Reduce Bureaucracy

The Commission of the EU has presented its concept for the re-industrialization of Europe. Austria is well-positioned, but there is some potential for improvement.
October 13, 2012

Lenzing to Expand Further

Lenzing´s CEO explains that the frame conditions for Lenzing are highly satisfying at the moment. However, 2012 will not be another record year.
August 7, 2012

FACC Builds New Technology Center

The Austrian aviation company enlarges its R&D activities. The new technology center should be completed in 2013.
July 16, 2012

Austrian Industry Urges Government to Continue Austerity Policies

The Austrian government has to perform its job in order to retain competitiveness and economic growth in future. Finance Minister Fekter is highly satisfied with the government´s economic report.
July 10, 2012

Economic Report: „Reducing Dependence on Europe“

Today, the Austrian government published its "Economic Report 2012".
July 9, 2012

Stable Innovation Activity

57% of Austrian enterprises with 10 and more employees were innovation active. Innovation expenditure decreased, but the share of turnover of 1.7% remained constant.
July 5, 2012

Alpbach Universities of Applied Sciences Forum 2012

This year, the Alpbach Universities of Applied Sciences Forum will focus on “Lifestyles and social networks”.
July 3, 2012

Infineon to Invest € 250m in Austria

In 2012, Infineon Austria´s CEO Monika Kircher-Kohl wants to make investments of € 250m. The high tech company is already looking for new staff.
June 28, 2012

Austria Connect Canada 2012

2nd Austria Connect Canada 2012 Conference: Intensive exchange of experiences and views in Toronto on Research and Development.
June 28, 2012

Austrian R&D Expenses Rise to € 8.61bn

In 2012, R&D expenses are expected rise by 4.0% in Austria. The bulk of R&D expenses is contributed by enterprises.
June 6, 2012

U.S. Forest Laboratories Cooperates with Nabriva

The U.S. pharmaceutical company provides funds of $ 25m to the Austrian Nabriva and secures pre-emptory rights.
June 2, 2012

Austria´s Education Does not Keep up with Globalization

The Austrian economy suffers from a lack in skilled labor. Facing the rising competitiveness of emerging countries, this may become a major problem for Autria.
May 31, 2012

Austrian Business Location: Further Slump in Competitiveness

According to the Swiss Management Institute IMD, Austria only ranks 21th among 59 analyzed countries. The Austrian tax policy is the absolute weak point.
May 31, 2012

The Euro - A Big Error (Part 4)

The common currency did not create convergence, but widened the gap between Northern and Southern Eurozone member states.
May 31, 2012