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Property Taxes

Faymann Underlines Necessity of Property Taxes

Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann (SPÖ) calls for new taxes. In total, property taxes should bring tax revenues of more than € 2.0bn.
September 9, 2013

Austria: Fekter Does Not Publish Controversial Industrial Location Study

According to a recent study on the quality of Austria´s industrial location, the number of leaving multinational companies is growing.
August 25, 2013

Austria: Property Distribution Highly Unequal

About 10% of Austria´s population owns 70% of the nation´s wealth. The governing social democrats reaffirm that Austria needs property taxes.
August 5, 2013

Austria: Economic Outlook Remains Cautious

Although Austria´s economy suffers from a number of major defects, the performance is still better than in the Eurozone.
February 25, 2013

Austria: Felderer Warns of Property Taxes

The economist believes that already the discussion about property taxes is damaging the Austrian business location.
February 23, 2013

Austria: Controversy About Property Taxes

According to Christian Keuschnigg, director of IHS, property taxes would have a negative impact on economic growth and the employment situation.
February 20, 2013

„Property Taxes are Nonsense“

Austria´s Minister of Finance Maria Fekter reaffirms that property taxes must be prevented.
November 30, 2012

Croatia Plans to Introduce Property Taxes

Croatia´s Finance Minister Slavko Linic plans to introduce a property tax next year. The rate will come at 1.5%.
November 23, 2012

Austria: Majority Support Property Taxes

A clear majority of Austrian citizens think that the corporate tax rate should increase.
November 20, 2012

Austrian Budget: Experts Call for Further Reforms (Part 3)

Economists think that the budget does not contain enough reform steps. The opposition does not see any signs of progress.
October 16, 2012

Fekter Against Property Taxes

The Austrian Minister of Finance Maria Fekter (ÖVP) would support an income tax reform. Property taxes would not be acceptable, she says.
September 29, 2012

Austrian Elections 2013: Stronach Confirms Candidacy

This week, the former CEO of Magna Frank Stronach will present the program of his party. The name of the party is not fixed yet.
September 25, 2012

Austrian Industry Claims Tax Cut

The Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) wants a tax relief. In the coming years, the tax quota should be reduced to 38%.
September 20, 2012

Property Taxes: Controversy Between Austrian Government Parties

The Austrian social democrats still push for introducing property taxes. The coalition partner ÖVP rejects the idea.
August 14, 2012

Austrian Government Presents € 27bn Austerity Package

The largest austerity package in Austria´s history mainly consists of cuts in expenditures. The government emphasized the socially balanced measures and the necessity due to reasons of competitiveness.
February 11, 2012

Austerity Measures or New Taxes?

The Austrian government has to reduce its deficits, after having announced the “debt break”. The social democrats call for property taxes.
November 19, 2011