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Nicolas Schmit
European Commission Launches Initiatives Against Gender Pay Gap
With regards to the European Day of Equal pay, the day from which women will symbolically no longer be paid for the same work compared to their male colleagues until the end of the year, the European Commission has launched initiatives to tackle the persistent gender pay gap.
November 12, 2020
European Vocational Skills Week: Focus on Green and Digital Transition
The European Vocational Skills Week focuses on vocational education and training for environmental and digital change. Numerous online events from 38 countries can be attended to further knowledge and careers. Especially in times of economic and social hardship, obtaining new skills might provide decent recovery.
November 10, 2020
The European Way: Meet the Team of Ursula von der Leyen
At the heart of the new Commission's work is the need to address the changes in climate, technology and demography that are transforming European societies and way of life. Von der Leyen has structured and presented her team according to these requirements. Read below where the 27 commissioners come from and what they represent.
September 10, 2019