Miroslav Singer

CNB Not to Stop Monetary Interventions Just Yet

Exchange rates in the Czech Republic will not go back to the state before monetary interventions were carried out by CNB.

February 25, 2014

Zeman: Entry in Eurozone Delayed

In a speech to the Lower House ahead of the vote in confidence for the new government Czech President Milos Zeman expressed his dissatisfaction over the latest monetary intervention by the Czech National Bank (CNB).

February 19, 2014

Singer: “Forex Interventions Were Right Measures”

Miroslav Singer, Governor of the Czech National Bank (CNB), considers the forex intervention and the weakening of the Czech Crown as the right measures in the light of the most recent inflation figures.

February 13, 2014

Czech Budget Deficit Lower than Expected

In total, the Czech budget deficit will come at 2.0% of GDP. Before, the budget deficit was estimated to come at 3.4% of GDP.

January 4, 2014

Czech Governor Awarded Banker of the Year 2014

Miroslav Singer, governor of the Czech National Bank (CNB) was given the Central Banker of the Year 2014 award for Europe by The Banker.

January 3, 2014

Czech Republic: Rusnok to become CNB Board Member

Outgoing Prime Minister Jiri Rusnok will be appointed new board member of the Czech National Bank (CNB) by President Milos Zeman.

December 18, 2013

Czech Republic: CNB Aquires Foreign Currencies

During monetary interventions CNB has purchased foreign currencies in the amoung of CZK 200bn.

November 26, 2013

Czech Republic to Bottom Out?

The economic data for the third quarter indicate that the downward trend is stopped now, governor of the CNB said. Nevertheless, the GDP data are worse than expected.

November 23, 2013

Czech National Bank Not Intending Further Forex Interventions

According to Miroslav Singer, governor of the Czech National Bank, the authority is not planning on taking further measures at the forex market to weaken the Czech Crown (CZK).

November 21, 2013

Czech National Bank Starts Currency Interventions

In order to stop the recession in the Czech Republic, CNB eases monetary policy further.

November 8, 2013

Czech Republic: Economic Outlook Improves

In its latest forecast, the Czech National Bank (CNB) has corrected the outlook on the Czech economy upward for the rest of 2013 while estimates for 2014 were slightly downgraded.

November 8, 2013

Czech Republic: Monetary Easening Not an Option for CNB

Improper exit policy could cause currency swings or inflation, according to expert.

October 29, 2013

Czech Republic: Four Banks too Big to Fail

CNB has determined four domestic banks that could potentially endanger the country’s financial system in case of bankruptcy, as reported by daily “Hospodarske noviny” (HN).

October 24, 2013

Czech Republic: Singer Nominated Central Bank Govenor of the Year

Miroslav Singer, govenor of the Czech National Bank (CNB) won the Central Bank Govenor of the Year for Emerging Europe 2013 presented by Emerging Markets Magazine.

October 23, 2013

Czech Republic Not to Introduce Euro Before 2019

According to reports by the Czech media, the new government intends to apply for the Euro only in 2016.

May 31, 2013

Czech Republic Eases Austerity Policy

In order to boost economic growth, the Czech government tends to refrain from the strict austerity course.

March 5, 2013

Czech Republic: CNB Fights Against Recession

As the interest rate was cut to a technical zero, the Czech National Bank considers intervening against the crown.

March 4, 2013

CNB: „Czech Republic Does Not Need Quantative Easing“

The Czech National Bank underlines that the country´s economy is fundamentally stable. The current situation would be managable.

November 20, 2012

Czech Republic to Stagnate

The economic outlook for the Czech Republic had to be revised again. After a significant recession in 2012, the Czech GDP will only grow by 0.2% next year.

November 2, 2012

Czech National Bank Open for Interventions

At the moment, the Czech National Bank (CNB) sees no reason for weakening the exchange rate of the Czech Crown. However, CNB is ready to start interventions if necessary.

October 12, 2012
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