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IHS: „Greece Needs Haircut“

Christian Keuschnigg, head of the Austrian Institute of Advanced Studies thinks that another haircut will be inevitable.
October 24, 2012

Austrian Budget: Experts Call for Further Reforms (Part 3)

Economists think that the budget does not contain enough reform steps. The opposition does not see any signs of progress.
October 16, 2012

Austrian Budget: Experts Call for Further Reforms (Part 2)

Austrian economic research institutes criticize the state budget and want the government to show more ambition.
October 16, 2012

Austria May Escape the Crisis

According to the latest forecast by IMF, expected economic growth in Austria comes at 0.9% this year. In the CEE countries, an average economic growth of 2.0% is forecasted.
October 9, 2012

Mitterlehner: „No Economic Stimulus Package“

Austria´s Minister of Economics rejects another stimulus package for the Austrian industrial sector. The budgetary situation would not allow that, he says.
October 4, 2012

Eastern Europe Remains Austria´s Future Region

The Austrian economist Christian Keuschnigg thinks that the opening of Austrian companies toward Eastern Europe was a “highly favourable event”.
October 4, 2012

WIFO: Economic Outlook for Austria Worsens

According to the Austrian economic research institute WIFO, the economic framework conditions indicate a further slowdown.
September 28, 2012

Faymann Demands Property and Inheritance Tax

Austria´s Chancellor Werner Faymann calls for a re-introduction of a property and inheritance tax.
September 17, 2012

Austrian Economy to Stagnate

In the third quarter of 2012, economic growth in Austria will come to zero, Bank Austria says.
September 14, 2012

Keuschnigg Pleads for Increasing Retirement Age

At the Alpbach Forum 2012, the Austrian economist Christian Keuschnigg explained the necessity of implementing reforms for the Austrian retirement plan.
August 29, 2012

IHS Pleads for Inheritance Tax

Christian Keuschnigg, director of the Austrian Institute of Advanced Studies, thinks that an inheritance tax would be a contribution for more equality.
August 4, 2012

IHS: Austria Grows Faster Than Eurozone

The Austrian Institute of Advanced Studies expects an average economic growth of 1.7% until 2017.
July 26, 2012

"Wage Cuts in Southern Europe Inevitable"

Christian Keuschnigg, director of the Austrian Institute of Advanced Studies thinks that a fiscal union will not work. The recession in Southern Europe will go on.
July 21, 2012

WIFO Wants Unlimited Firewall

According to the Austrian Institute of Economic Research, the firewall must be big enough in order to make speculation against the euro unattractive.
June 28, 2012

Austerity: „There is No Alternative“

The former director of the Austrian Institute of Advanced Studies appreciates the help for Spanish banks and thinks that a Greek exit is rather unlikely.
June 12, 2012

„We Won´t Get Any Money Back“

The former director of the Austrian Institute of Advanced Studies (IHS) does not think that Greece is able to pay back its debt. Nevertheless, Felderer still believes in the euro.
June 9, 2012

Keuschnigg: „Raising ESM for Italy and Spain“

Christian Keuschnigg, director of the Austrian Institute of Advanced Studies (IHS) argues for raising ESM funds to € 1,000bn.
June 4, 2012

The Euro - A Big Error (Part 3)

The common currency did not create convergence, but widened the gap between Northern and Southern Eurozone member states.
May 29, 2012

Fekter Warns of Greek Exit

Austrias Finance Minister Maria Fekter sees enormous difficulties in the case of an exit out of the Eurozone. The Financial Market Authority (FMA) supports Fekter.
May 23, 2012

“Three Problems of Europe: Divergence, Indebtedness and Weak Banks”

The new director of the Austrian IHS (Institute of Advanced Studies) Christian Keuschnigg thinks that a Greek exit would have to take place suddenly.
May 21, 2012

„ECB Must Help Spain“

If real estate price in Spain fall further, Spanish banks were not able to bear that risk. A Greek exit could cost Austria up to € 10bn.
May 18, 2012

Keuschnigg: „Austria Needs More Federalism“

The new director of IHS (Institute of Advanced Studies) considers that a decentralization of the fiscal policy would bring more competition between the provinces.
May 18, 2012

Keuschnigg Worries About Austria´s Competitiveness

The new director of IHS (Institute of Advanced Studies) Christian Keuschnigg suggests reforming the Austrian labor market. The welfare state would be too sophisticated.
May 15, 2012

Keuschnigg: „Problem Countries Must Cut Wages“

The designated director of the Austrian IHS (Institute of Advanced Studies) thinks that a drastic wage cut in Greece, Portugal and Spain is inevitable.
May 12, 2012

IHS: Austerity Package Smaller than Expected

The Austrian Institute of Advanced Studies (IHS) considers the austerity package to be effective. Proceeds will be smaller than expected, though.
May 9, 2012

Felderer: „Women Must Have More Children”

The director of the Austrian Institute of Advanced Studies (IHS) sees a demographic problem in Austria as well as in Europe. Migration cannot solve the problem, Felderer says.
April 19, 2012

Failed Austerity Package: „Austrian Rating Not Affected“

Bernhard Felderer, director of IHS (Institute of Advanced Studies) thinks that the incomplete austerity package has no effect on Austria´s prospects to return to the Triple-A status.
April 7, 2012

Economic Upswing for Austria?

The economic research institutes IHS and WIFO anticipate that the Austrian economy accelerates by summer 2012. Both warn of “too much euphoria”, however.
March 29, 2012

Keuschnigg: „Greece Must Leave Eurozone“

The Austrian Economist and designated director of HIS, Christian Keuschnigg advised Greece to leave the euro zone.
March 26, 2012

Doubt and Criticism on Austerity Package

For the director of IHS, the austerity measures do not contain real reforms. The implementation could become difficult. Administration reforms and health system reforms are too low, observers say.
February 13, 2012

Keuschnigg to Succeed Felderer

Christian Keuschnigg will succeed Bernhard Felderer as director of the Austrian Institute of Advanced Studies (IHS) in June.
February 8, 2012

Felderer Attacks Austrian Government

The head of the Austrian Institute of Advanced Studies fiercely criticizes Austrian politicians. Felderer claims to put effort in the restructuring of public finance.
January 30, 2012

Downgrade: „It´s Time to Take Action“

The downgrade of Austria´s rating from “AAA” to “AA+” caused mixed reactions. The Austrian economy urges for structural actions.
January 15, 2012

Dismal Prospects for Construction Industry

According to WIFO (Austrian Institute of Economic Research), the Austrian construction industry will face stagnation in 2012.
January 9, 2012

„Not Talking Down Austerity Policy“

Bernhard Felderer, head of the Austrian Institute of Advanced Studies (IHS), warns daily issued ideas for new taxes. First signs of a recovery are arising.
January 7, 2012

Worsening Economic Outlook for 2012

Economists and analysts expect a massive fall in Austrian economic growth for 2012.
January 4, 2012

Crisis Reaches Austria’s Real Economy in 2012

Economic growth will collapse next year, investment activities and consumption will suffer from the crisis. A recovery is expected for 2013.
December 21, 2011

Rating Agencies Are Seen As Threat

The governor of the Austrian Central Bank, Ewald Nowotny, attacks S&P. For the head of the economic research institute IHS, Bernhard Felderer, the negative outlook must be seen as a warning signal.
December 7, 2011

Austrian & CEE Investor Conference 2011 in New York

15 companies from Austria and CEE will participate in the conference on 28 November.
November 25, 2011

Austria Falls In Recession in 2012

According to analysts of Raiffeisen Research, the Austrian economy could shrink by 0.5% in 2012. Up to now, only a small growth rate has been expected by economists.
November 22, 2011

Felderer Pleads for Pay Freeze for Civil Servants

The head of the Austrian Institute of Advanced Studies (IHS), Bernhard Felderer, suggests to stop the salary increase for civil servants next year.
November 19, 2011

Sharp Criticism Against Felderer

The head of the Viennese Chamber of Labor, Werner Muhm, attacks the director of IHS, Bernhard Felderer. His economic forecast is “propaganda of fear”.
November 12, 2011

Felderer: “Austria’s Triple-A at Risk”

The head of the IHS warns against a spillover of the Italian crisis and calls for a national debt brake.
November 9, 2011

Nowotny Expects Lower Growth Rates

The head of the Austrian Central Bank (OeNB) Ewald Nowotny lowers the growth estimation for the Austrian economy.
October 31, 2011

Wifo/IHS: 2012 Brings Collapse of Economic Growth

The research institutes cut their growth forecasts for the Austrian economy by 50%. Unemployment numbers are expected to increase.
September 30, 2011

IMF: Austrian Growth Slabs

The IMF expects the Austrian economy to grow by 3.3% in 2011. Next year, GDP growth should fall to 1.6%.
September 20, 2011

IHS: No Zero Deficit until 2021

The research institute calculated that Austria will not be able to achieve a balanced budget in the next ten years. Felderer calls for reforms of the pension and healthcare systems.
August 24, 2011

IHS: Keuschnigg in Pole Position for Succession of Felderer

The institute’s board of trustees has voted for the Tyrolean Keuschnigg as successor of retiring boss Felderer. Contracts still have to be signed.
July 28, 2011

Credit Costs to Rise in the Wake of Basel III

The new regulatory requirements are expected to increase the cost of credits and to reduce the Austrian banks’ profitability.
July 20, 2011

Economic Report 2011: Government Surprised by Quick Recovery

Experts praise Austria’s relatively stable performance during the years of crisis and call for reforms necessary for ensuring the country’s competitiveness.
July 8, 2011