Horst Poechhacker

Ederer Elected as Supervisory Board President of ÖBB Austrian Railways

A few days after her resignation from the ÖIAG Supervisory Board the former Siemens manager Brigitte Ederer was elected unanimously to the top of the ÖBB Supervisory Board.

September 11, 2014

ÖBB Chairman Pöchhacker is Dead

The longtime chairman of the board of ÖBB and former CEO of the construction company Porr, Horst Pöchhacker, died on Wednesday after a short illness at the age of 75 years.

August 13, 2014

Austrian Railways to be Privatized?

ÖVP (Austrian People´s Party) again pushes for a privatization of ÖBB (Austrian Railways). The sale of the freight division would be conceivable, ÖVP´s chairman Michael Spindelegger says.

October 2, 2012

ÖIAG to be Enlarged?

Publicly held companies like Verbund or Austrian Railways should be integrated into the Austrian industrial holding group.

September 21, 2012

Austrian Railways: Pöchhacker Opposes to Privatization Plans

Horst Pöchhacker, President of ÖBB´s (Austrian Railways) is against a privatization of the company. Vice-Chancellor Michael Spindelegger (ÖVP) recently suggested to sell ÖBB to Frank Stronach.

September 10, 2012

Austrian Railways „Fit for the Capital Market in a Few Years“

Horst Pöchhacker, chairman of the supervisory board of Austrian Railways (ÖBB) thinks that the transport group will face more competition. A privatization would take time.

August 6, 2012

ÖIAG: Search Goes On

The number of candidates for the succession of Markus Beyrer as CEO of the Austrian industrial holding keeps within limits.

August 2, 2012

Resistance Against Enlargement of ÖIAG

The chairman of ÖBB´s (Austrian Railways) supervisory board Horst Pöchhacker rejects the idea of integrating ÖBB, Verbund or Asfinag into the publicly held Austrian industrial holding ÖIAG.

July 19, 2012

ÖBB: Alleged Corruption

An internal document about a meeting of the ÖBB Supervisory Board in 2008 has now appeared. Bribes are openly talked about.

October 29, 2010
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