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Heinz Gaertner

Austrian Institute for International Affairs: Challenging but Positive Corona Year 2020

The Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP - Österreichisches Institut für Internationale Politik) reports in its annual report "Annual 2020" on the past "challenging" Corona year as a "proud" year in which 35 scientific publications were published, numerous new research projects and discussion events were organized, and 35 conference participations and 91 media appearances were documented. In addition, the move to new premises already took place at the beginning of the year 2021.
May 21, 2021

The End of the INF Treaty - Europe Could Become a Nuclear War Zone

In an interview with the APA - Austria Press Agency the political scientist and disarmament expert Heinz Gärtner recently stated that the background of the US termination of the INF Treaty on the Prohibition of Medium-Range Nuclear Weapons might be the expansion of the deterrence potential and that Europe could thus become the target area of a nuclear conflict. At a panel discussion organized by the International Institute for Peace (IIP) on 11 February 2019, Heinz Gärtner, together with representatives of the United States and the Russian Federation, will examine the background of this issue.
February 5, 2019

The United States after the Midterms - What's next?

Shortly after the midterm elections, a panel discussion with prominent guests will take place at Vienna's International Institute for Peace (IIP), analysing the election results and discussing their significance.
November 5, 2018