Electronic Cars

Revolutionizing E-Mobility in Austria: Introduction of the E-Control Tariff Calculator for E-Charging Stations

In a new initiative to promote e-mobility, the Austrian regulatory authority E-Control has introduced a new comparison calculator for public e-charging points.

November 23, 2023

Electromobility: Europe Lacks Progress, Austria Better Off

The European Court of Auditors gives Austria a good report on electromobility, while at the same time demanding more progress for the whole European continent. The lack of uniform Europe-wide minimum standards with regard to charging methods, as well as a non-existent overall roadmap for charging stations were the main points of the critic.

April 15, 2021

Share of E-Cars in New Registrations Exceeds 10 Percent

For the first time ever, electronic cars made up more than 10 percent of the new registrations of motor vehicles. Although the numbers of new registered vehicles is far lower compared to last year, the e-mobility sector has seen an obvious increase in numbers over the recent months.

December 11, 2020
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