Croatia Receives Major Loan from EIB

The European Investment Bank grants a € 250m loan for the new EU member.

July 23, 2013

CESEE: Massive Capital Outflow

In the second half of 2011 and in the first half of 2012, foreign banks withdrew about € 55bn from the region.

November 14, 2012

EIB: Fewer Funds for Austrian Companies

After a record in 2011, the European Investment Bank (EIB) will reduce lending to Austrian companies this year.

February 24, 2012

Financial Syndicate for Nabucco Arising

The Austrian OeKB intends to conduct a financial consortium for the gas pipeline project Nabucco.

October 15, 2011

Wilhelm Molterer Appointed Vice-President of the EIB

The former Austrian Vice Chancellor and Finance Minister will start his new job as Vice-President of the European Union’s bank on 1 July.

June 30, 2011

Molterer Nominated as Vice-President of the EIB

Former Vice-Chancellor and Finance Minister Wilhelm Molterer is nominanted as candidate for Vice-President of the European Investment Bank (EIB).

February 23, 2011

Major Project for Siemens Austria in Georgia

Siemens Austria is involved in a project to develop the electricity industry in Georgia. The infrastructure project will act as a bridge between Russia and Turkey.

October 22, 2010
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