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Digital Transformation

OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum 2024: Focus on Digitalization and Climate Protection

The 31st OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum at the Czernin Palace in Prague focused on the global challenges posed by digital transformation and climate change. Under the theme “Strengthening security and stability in the OSCE area through digital innovation”, the risks and opportunities arising from technological change and climate adaptation were discussed in depth. The forum brought together high-level representatives from governments, international organizations, academia, business, and civil society to debate innovative approaches and policy solutions.
September 17, 2024

Europe Minister Edtstadler Awards Outstanding Projects and Initiatives with the 2023 Europe State Prize
Austrian Europe Minister Karoline Edtsdadler awarded the winners of the 2023 Europe State Prize at the Sofiensäle in Vienna. More than 200 guestes were present at the Europe gala.
May 9, 2023