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Austria's Foreign Disaster Fund is Increased
Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler and Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg have praised the increase of the Foreign Disaster Fund (AKF) to 77.5 million euros in 2023 before the Council of Ministers.
May 4, 2023

Minister Schallenberg Shows Solidarity for LDC Countries at Doha Conference

Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg attended the Least Development Countries (LDC) in Doha. There, he expressed solidarity for the LDCs and reassured Austria’s support for the countries.
March 6, 2023

List of National Days of the Home Countries of All Foreign Missions and Delegations in Vienna, Austria
The Vindobona table below is an updated list of National Days of all nations, which belong to at least one of following categories: Foreign Missions and Delegations in Vienna, Austria; Diplomatic Corps and other representations in Austria; International Organizations in Vienna and Permanent Missions; Missions and Delegations to the OSCE.
February 11, 2015 · Updated: December 14, 2022; 08:12

Austria Supports Health Projects in Partner Countries in the Fight Against COVID-19

To support partner countries in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the Austrian government made a total of 4 million euros available from the Foreign Disaster Fund at the end of June. The funds are to help Austrian NGOs abroad to implement targeted projects and vaccination campaigns.
July 4, 2022

CTBTO Leadership Election Heads Into Decisive Week

The Vienna-based UN institution of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) is heading for a hotly contested election for the leadership position of Executive Secretary this week.
May 16, 2021

Austria Stays Committed to Humanitarian Aid in Africa, the Middle East and Ukraine

Austria's Federal Government has decided to release the largest disbursement from the Foreign Disaster Fund for humanitarian aid in Africa, the Middle East and Ukraine. Around EUR 13.5 million will be made available to Austrian NGOs providing aid in Uganda, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Burkina Faso, Lebanon, Jordan, and the eastern Ukraine.
March 18, 2021

Repatriation: Round-Table with Representatives of African Embassies at the Ministry of the Interior

Embassy representatives from French-speaking African countries, representatives of the French Office for Immigration and Integration and representatives of the Austrian Ministry of the Interior met in Vienna to strengthen cooperation in the field of return and reintegration.
November 12, 2019

Cost of Living Rankings: CEE Capitals Cheaper, Vienna is 32nd Most Expensive City

The Mercer's 2014 Cost of Living Rankings have been published and cover 211 cities across five continents. While Western European cities have all risen in the rankings mainly due to the strengthening of the Euro against the US dollar, most cities in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), however have fallen in the ranking as a result of local currencies depreciating against the US dollar. Bratislava (#84), Prague (#92), Kiev (#98), Ljubljana (#116), Zagreb (#120), Budapest (#135), Warsaw (#142), Belgrade (#184).
July 25, 2014