Newsletter: Vienna International News

From Foreign Minister to Tiger Ambassador: Karin Kneissl's Unusual Career in Russia

Karin Kneissl, the former Austrian Foreign Minister, has taken on a new and, at first glance, unexpected role in Russia: She has been appointed official ambassador for the protection of the endangered Amur tiger. This extraordinary career move shows how deep her connection to Russia, and in particular to Vladimir Putin, has become. Her relationship with Russia and Putin has been at the center of international attention for years and has attracted both admiration and criticism.

Austria's Diplomats Meet Up: Ambassadors' Conference 2024 in Vienna

More than 100 Austrian ambassadors, permanent representatives, and consuls general from all over the world have gathered in Vienna for the Foreign Ministry's annual Ambassadors' Conference. The event, which lasts until September 5, offers diplomats a platform to discuss challenges in foreign policy. The focus is particularly on topics such as security, economic and cultural diplomacy as well as strengthening international dialog.

Technology Talks 2024: Vienna as a New Hotspot for Research and Innovation

On September 12 and 13, the MuseumsQuartier in Vienna will be transformed into a center for the latest developments in research, technology and innovation. The Technology Talks Austria 2024 will bring together over 700 experts from science, business and politics to discuss the challenges and opportunities of the so-called “triple transition” - a transformation that encompasses ecological sustainability, digitalization and social justice.

Russian Court Decision Complicates Raiffeisen Bank International Planned Sale of Subsidiary Bank

The planned exit of Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) from Russia has suffered a significant setback. A Russian court has issued a temporary injunction blocking the sale of the Russian subsidiary AO Raiffeisenbank. This decision could significantly delay the Austrian bank's efforts to reduce its presence in Russia.