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Newsletter: Vienna International News
How Russian State-Controlled Media Use Disinformation Campaigns to Influence Democratic Processes in Austria and Beyond

Russia uses its state-controlled media outlets to help push disinformation campaigns in Austria and around the world. Read how the Kremlin spreads disinformation through the media.

Austrian Minister for Europe for Reassessment of EU Defense and Security Architecture

At a meeting of the EU General Affairs Council in France, the Austrian Minister for Europe, Karoline Edtstadler, called for a reassessment of the EU Defense and Security Architecture. Read what Minister Edtstadler said about this and Ukrainian accession to the EU.

Schallenberg in Brussels Condemns Playing with Nuclear Fire

At a special meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council, Foreign Minister Schallenberg condemned the Russian shelling of a nuclear power plant in Ukraine. Read more about this special meeting and what was discussed there.

War in Ukraine: Athens Seeks Talks in Vienna