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Newsletter: Vienna International News
Germany Extends Entry Ban for Tyrol

The German government has decided to extend its entry ban for Tyrol until March 3, 2021. The German Health Minister Spahn sees this step as "necessary" in order to prevent the South African Covid-19 mutation from spreading in Germany. Austria's government and the EU Commission demand more coordination and dicussion.

Vienna International Airport: What Is the Current Situation and How Can I Take a Covid 19 Test?
Subsequently, you will find updated information from Vienna International Airport (Flughafen Wien) regarding the reduced flight offer (landing ban for flights from the UK, South Africa and Brazil), extended entry requirements, Covid-19 test possibilities directly at the airport, the new quarantine form, body temperature measurements and other important coronavirus safety measures.

Austrian Initiative Receives Civil Society Solidarity Award

The Austrian initiative #EUROPAgegenCOVID19 has received the European Economic and Social Committee's (EESC) Civil Society Solidarity Award for its effort in the Covid-19 crisis. The non-profit organization focuses on debunking false theories and myths with regard to the Covid-19 pandemic.

WKO: Austria Needs to End Lockdown in March