Vienna Wins the "EU Organic Award": "Wiener Gusto" Named Best Organic Brand

Lifestyle & TravelMore+ ♦ Published: September 26, 2023; 17:39 ♦ (Vindobona)

The city of Vienna once again has a reason to celebrate. At this year's European Union Organic Awards, the city's food brand "Wiener Gusto" was named "Best Organic City". This important "EU Organic Award" was presented by the European Commission in a festive ceremony in Brussels. As a representative of the City of Vienna, Climate City Councillor Jürgen Czernohorszky proudly accepted the award.

City Councilor Jürgen Czernohorszky with the team of "Wiener Gusto" jointly received the "EU Organic Award" for the City of Vienna. / Picture: © Magistrat der Stadt Wien / PID / Aranyos

Every year, the EU recognizes special achievements in the field of organic agriculture. Organized by institutions such as the European Commission, the European Committee of the Regions, COPA-COGECA, and IFOAM Organics Europe, the "EU Organic Award" is presented in seven different categories. Vienna was able to prevail over two other finalists in the category "best organic city" and claim the coveted prize for itself.

The Climate City Councilor emphasized the special value of the brand: "With 'Wiener Gusto', Vienna is the only major city to offer organic products from its production. These products are 100 percent organic, come from regional production and, thanks to short transport routes, make a significant contribution to climate protection and security of supply in our city."

The enthusiasm was also shared by Vienna's mayor Michael Ludwig: "We are very proud that the EU honors our heartfelt project with this special award! Wiener Gusto increases the quality of life in our city many times over."

"Wiener Gusto: Vienna's own food brand

"Wiener Gusto" represents the biological wealth of Vienna, as reported. More than a year ago, all products produced in the city's farmland and vineyards were bundled under this brand. With about 2,000 hectares, the city is one of the largest organic farms in Austria. The focus is not only on quality but also on diversity. Thus, the product range extends from BIO wheat flour to BIO mountain lentils and BIO linseed oil to game meat specialties.

Andreas Januskovecz, the forestry director, added: "The Vienna fields provide us with first-class organic products. The recognition by the EU is an additional incentive for our Wiener Gusto project!" These excellent products are available not only in supermarkets but also online and in the Wiener Gusto Shop in the Lainzer Tiergarten.

Organic agriculture in Vienna represents a significant part of the city's green space and is home to a variety of agricultural products. It stands for sustainable, environmentally friendly practices that protect the soil and keep it fertile in the long term. In conclusion, Climate City Councillor Jürgen Czernohorszky emphasized: "With 'Wiener Gusto' we are not only setting an example for organic agriculture in Vienna but thanks to the EU Organic Award we are also showing beyond our city limits how important this topic is to us."

Wiener Gusto

City of Vienna