Vienna Will Provide 200 Euros Once More
After it gave financial assistance to its citizens last year, the City of Vienna will provide the same of 200 Euros again this year. The citizens will receive the benefits of the Energy Bonus 23 in April.

A simple online application and automated processes ensured that last year around two-thirds of Viennese households received 200 euros within a few days. In the spring, the City of Vienna is relaunching the support for increased energy and housing costs. Around 90% of existing recipients will not have to apply for the Vienna Energy Bonus 23 and will receive an additional 200 euros in April.
"The sharp rise in energy prices, not least as a result of the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine, and the continuing high inflation, are presenting many Viennese with enormous challenges. The City of Vienna is standing by to help people right from the start. With the Vienna Energy Bonus 22, we launched the largest single aid measure in the city's history last summer. Now we are continuing this with the Vienna Energy Bonus 23. To this end, we are once again increasing the 'heating cost subsidy' from the federal government by 96 million euros. This means that a total of around 130 million euros is available to support Viennese citizens through the Vienna Energy Bonus 23," says Peter Hanke, City Councillor for Finance and Economic Affairs.
To help cope with the continuing high energy and housing costs, Viennese households will now receive a further subsidy of 200 euros. Around 500,000 households are expected to be eligible for payment of the Vienna Energy Bonus 23 without having to make a prior application. Those who have already received the Vienna Energy Bonus 22 by March 25, 2023, and in whose households there have been no relevant changes. Relevant changes would be, for example, a household member who is an adult now, relocations, etc. Persons at these addresses will be informed by letter about the new and application-free payment. The Vienna Energy Bonus 23 will then be automatically instructed to the last bank account specified or paid out again by postal order.
Those persons who do not receive an automated payment of the Vienna Energy Bonus 23, for example, because they have recently moved to Vienna from another province, can apply. These persons will be informed by letter - analogous to the Vienna Energy Bonus 22 - including an individual password for the online application. Both the automated payment and the dispatch of the letters for a new online application will take place in tranches in the course of April 2023. Applications for the Vienna Energy Bonus 22 can still be submitted until the end of March.