Ukraine Criticises Schallenbergs Statement

PeoplePoliticians ♦ Published: January 17, 2023; 23:18 ♦ (Vindobona)

Ukraine has criticized Austrian Foreign Ministers’ statement of “overshooting the mark” regarding the visa ban on Russian citizens. Ukrainian officials are not pleased with this statement and Invited Alexander Schallenberg to Dnipro.

Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg Got Criticized for the Statement He Made Regarding Keeping a Sense of Proportion Towards Russia. / Picture: © BMEIA Bundesministerium für Europa, Integration und Äußeres / YouTube Screenshot

Recent statements by Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg are met with little understanding in Ukraine. On Monday in Paris, about the Russian war of aggression, Schallenberg pleaded for maintaining a sense of proportion towards Moscow and “not overshooting the mark, for example by introducing a visa ban for 144 million Russians”, as it is stated in Die Presse.

According to ORF, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry then invited Schallenberg to the city of Dnipro. There he could present his arguments to the relatives of the 44 victims of the Russian rocket attack on a skyscraper, said spokesman Oleh Nikolenko.

"We appreciate the cooperation with Austria and are grateful for the support from the UN and the EU," said Nikolenko in a post on Facebook on Tuesday. Kyiv invites the "head of Austrian diplomacy" to Ukraine, and in particular to a visit to Dnipro. "There he will have the opportunity to repeat his arguments about prudence to the relatives of 44 people who died as a result of the Russian rocket attack on a high building. Or to those whose relatives are still under the rubble," wrote Nikolenko, as reported by Die Presse.

The Ukrainian foreign ministry spokesman criticized calls to remain in dialogue with Russia, to respect its history and culture. Because these "strengthen the Kremlin's feeling of impunity and are only perceived as an invitation to continue the genocide in Ukraine," said Nikolenko, according to