Spindelegger: “The Danube and Black Sea Regions Will Bring a Vital Impetus for the Future of Europe in Its Entirety”

People ♦ Published: May 16, 2013; 15:33 ♦ (Vindobona)

“Gateway to Europe” Conference in Krems, Austria

Spindelegger: “The Danube and Black Sea Regions Will Bring a Vital Impetus for the Future of Europe in Its Entirety” / Picture: © Flickr / The Austrian Foreign Ministry

Austrian Vice-Chancellor and Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger stressed the progress and potential of the EU Danube Strategy at the “Gateway to Europe” Conference that opened today at the Danube University of Krems. “I am convinced that the concept of the macro-regional strategy represents a true added value boost for regional cooperation”, Spindelegger said in his opening…