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Slovakia: Economic Growth Almost Coming to Still-Stand
Politics ♦
Published: February 27, 2013; 18:28 ♦ (Vindobona)
Growth estimates are lower than predicted by NBS. Export sales lag behind and the domestic economy is in a recession. Opposing parties blame the new labor regulations.
Slovakia: Economic Growth Almost Coming to Still-Stand / Picture: © Vindobona.org
The debt crisis of the Eurozone has hit Slovakia. The estimated economic growth for 2013 by the country’s most important bank, the National Bank of Slovakia (NBS), had to be corrected and downgraded. Instead of 1.6 %, now 1.3 % is the realistic forecast figure. The Financy Ministry even lowered that down to 1.2 % due to the fact that Slovakia’s trading partner countries, Germany in…
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