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NBS National Bank of Slovakia

Slovakia: No Improvement in Economic Situation For 2013

Analysts forecast the GDP growth to be less than one percent.
March 26, 2013

Slovakia: Economic Growth Almost Coming to Still-Stand

Growth estimates are lower than predicted by NBS. Export sales lag behind and the domestic economy is in a recession. Opposing parties blame the new labor regulations.
February 27, 2013

Slovakia Transforms Banks into Branches

The draft amendment to the Banking Act will not affect competition, the National Bank of Slovakia said.
February 27, 2013

Slovakia: Labor Market Puts Pressure on Household Income

The downturn in employment and weak wage developments are putting downward pressure on sales and indicate that the slump in household final consumption will continue.
February 4, 2013

Slovak National Bank Cuts Economic Forecast

In January 2013, Národná banka Slovenska (NBS) revised the NBS Medium-Term Forecast published in December 2012 (MTF-2012Q4).
January 30, 2013

Slovak Growth Flattens

NBS published the Medium-Term Forecast (MTF-2012Q4). Next year, Slovakia´s economic growth comes at 1.6%, NBS says.
December 10, 2012