Report on Measures to Safeguard Jewish Life in Austria

PoliticsDomestic ♦ Published: April 1, 2022; 19:35 ♦ (Vindobona)

As a basis for preventing and combating anti-Semitism by the state and civil society, Austria adopted the National Strategy against Anti-Semitism in January 2021. The EU Commission presented the first EU strategy against anti-Semitism in October of the previous year.

Entrance to the memorial crematorium Gusen Concentration Camp. / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons /Rudolf A. Haunschmied, CC BY-SA 3.0

The Federal Chancellery presented a report on measures to safeguard the Jewish community in Austria. Implementing the National Strategy against Anti-Semitism adopted in 2021, the government reaffirms its efforts to secure the continued existence of Jewish life in Austria in the long term.

According to the