Outrage About Tweet by Iranian Ambassador in Vienna: Call for Summons

PeopleDiplomats ♦ Published: August 25, 2024; 23:52 ♦ (Vindobona)

A social media posting by the Iranian ambassador in Vienna, Abbas Bagherpour Ardekani, has caused a considerable political stir. In addition to calls for the Iranian ambassador to be summoned, there have also been calls for further diplomatic consequences.

Abbas Bagherpour Ardekani, Iran's ambassador in Vienna posted the Hezbollah flag on Twitter. Their symbols are banned in Austria. / Picture: © www.bundespraesident.at / Peter Lechner and Harald Minich / HBF

In his post on platform X (formerly Twitter), the diplomat showed the flag of the radical Islamic organization Hezbollah, accompanied by the statement “Hezbollah will be victorious”. This symbolism is banned in Austria and therefore triggered harsh criticism. The timing of the post was particularly explosive, as reported by…