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Orban Accuses European Union of “Soviet-style Methods”
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Published: July 5, 2013; 17:40 ♦ (Vindobona)
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban criticized the “troops of bureaucrats" who were unable to solve the economic crisis in Europe and who were now trying to denounce Hungary, which was on the road to recovery again.
Orban Accuses European Union of “Soviet-style Methods” / Picture: © European People's Party - EPP / Flickr Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0 DEED)
Orban accused the EU Parliament of “meddling” in internal affairs by using “Soviet-style methods”. "Since the rule of Soviet empire, no other external power has dared to try to curb the sovereignty of Hungarians openly, choosing a legal form," Orban told public radio, adding that some of the European Parliament's recommendations violated the EU treaty. "We don't want to live in…
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