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More Unemployed are Looking for Full-Time Jobs Than at the Start of the Crisis
Politics ♦
Published: April 21, 2011; 15:22 ♦ (Vindobona)
The Austrian Chamber of Labor criticizes that despite the economic boom there are less full-time jobs available than before the economic crisis.
More Unemployed are Looking for Full-Time Jobs Than at the Start of the Crisis / Picture: © Vindobona.org
Two out of three unemployed want a full-time job. Despite the economic recovery in the fourth quarter of 2010, 103,500 unemployed persons were searching for a full-time job. This is 4% more than at the outbreak of the crisis in late 2008. Given the acute shortage of suitable job offers, AK (Arbeiterkammer, Chamber of Labor) President John Kalliauer demands the shortening of (full)…
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