In Vienna “Herrengasse” Became “Frauengasse” for International Women’s Day

More+More+ ♦ Published: March 8, 2023; 21:04 ♦ (Vindobona)

On International Women’s Day, the Viennese Lines – Wiener Linien have thought of something special. They renamed the U3 metro station “Herrengasse” to “Frauengasse”. In English, this would mean changing the name from “Men’s Lane” to “Women’s Lane”.

The Herrengasse Was Temporarily Renamed Fraungasse Because of international Women's Day / Picture: © Serge Bystro from Moscow, Russia, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Not only on Vienna's streets but also in the subway network something is happening on Women's Day: Instead of Herrengasse, the U3 stopped at "Frauengasse" on Wednesday. Wiener Linien renamed the station's signs with the temporary name. Since the name of a station is based on the surrounding streets, alleys, or important places and these are mostly named neutrally or masculinely, there is no female-occupied station name in the subway network, according to

With this action, Wiener Linien, which appears this week in the social networks under Wienerinnen Linien, wants to ensure the visibility of women. On the night from March 7 to 8, the station's signs were therefore pasted over. Frauengasse actually does exist in Vienna, but it is located in Hernals, as ORF stated.

Also according to ORF, Several demonstrations taking place on Wednesday will be action-oriented. They also want to express solidarity with oppressed women in other parts of the world. For example, the participants of a demonstration starting in Ottakring will support women in Uganda, Iran, and Afghanistan.