Further EU Infringement Proceedings Initiated Against Austria

PeopleOther ♦ Published: December 16, 2024; 23:34 ♦ (Vindobona)

The European Commission has initiated further infringement proceedings against Austria. The reason: is non-compliance with EU regulations on the recognition of professional qualifications. The Commission sees this as violating the rules intended to make it easier for freelancers and employees to work temporarily and occasionally in other Member States.

Austria has been subjected to further infringement proceedings by the European Commission. / Picture: © Marina bauer, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

EU Member States are entitled to require prior verification of qualifications for certain professions relating to public health and safety. However, the Commission considers that 22 Member States, including Austria, have unjustifiably extended this possibility to professions for which the requirements are not met.

Two months to respond

The states…