French Embassy in Vienna Awards Academic Palms

Lifestyle & TravelMore+ ♦ Published: January 25, 2023; 23:57 ♦ (Vindobona)

The French Ambassador to Austria, Gilles Pécout, presented the Academic Palm to four personalities during a ceremony at the Embassy in the presence of the Austrian Federal Minister for Europe and Constitution, Karoline Edtstadtler.

Teachers and staff of the Lycée français de Vienne (LFV) were awarded academic palms. / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons /Julius Jonathan / CC BY-SA 4.0 (

Academic Palms, or in French Ordre des Palmes académiques (the Order of Academic Palms), is a national award bestowed on outstanding academics and teachers for their contributions to universities, education, and science.

This award, granted by the Minister of Education, honors individuals who have rendered exceptional service to national education and contributed to the spread of French culture and language throughout the world.

The Ambassador presented the badges of the Order of the Academic Palms to the following awardees. Sabine Menvielle, assistant director at the Lycée français de Vienne, Danièle Didier, senior education councilor at the Lycée français de Vienne, Caroline Landau parent representative at the Lycée français de Vienne and Pascale Liko, teacher and trainer of French as a foreign language (FLE) and specialized French (FOS).

The Austrian Minister for Europe and the Constitution, Karoline Edtstadler, came to the embassy to congratulate her former teacher, Pascale Liko.

Interestingly, these are all from the French school abroad in Vienna, the Lycée français de Vienne (LFV). The LFV was founded in 1946 by Général Béthouart. It is a private school, but it is open to the public. Today it enjoys an excellent reputation and shares a boarding school with the equally famous Theresianum. The Lyceum is one of 494 schools linked by the school network of the Agence pour l'enseignement français à l'étranger (AEFE).

French Embassy in Vienna