French-Austrian Gallery of Pioneer Women in Sport
On the occasion of International Women's Day and the 500 days leading up to the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris, the French Embassy in Austria has made a conscious decision to place March 2023 under the sign of female sports.
While last year a "French-Austrian Gallery of Heroines" was presented, this year a "French-Austrian Gallery of Pioneers in Sport" will be shown, focusing on the careers, careers and involvement of French and Austrian women in the various fields of sport.
The mediatization and promotion of women's sports make it possible to make female sports participation the norm, to promote equal representation and gender diversity in certain sports activities, and to expand sports participation by encouraging young and less young women to start or resume sports participation.
1/2 - Galerie der Pionierinnen im Sport #SportPionierinnen
— Frz. Botschaft Österreich (@France_Autriche) March 8, 2023
Anlässlich des internationalen Frauentags am 8. März und der 500 Tage vor @Paris2024 hat sich die Botschaft in bewusst dazu entschieden, den März 2023 ins Zeichen des weiblichen Sports zu stellen.
Increase the visibility of top female athletes who can serve as a source of inspiration for young girls and combat prejudice among young men. More broadly, this is to contribute to a culture of equality that is beneficial to society as a whole and social and economic progress.
From the affirmation of the right of women to participate in sports in all its dimensions, to real equality between women and men in the sport. This equality concerns the conditions of access to the practice of sport, but also the management and coaching functions, as well as the media, economic and social appreciation of the position of women in the sector. This process contributes to the fight against stereotypes and gender-based violence, as well as to the recognition of the benefits of gender diversity in sports.
These themes are embedded in the framework of the French policy of feminization of sport, as explained by the French Embassy.
French Diplomac, "Marianne" initiative and Women Rights
Frankreich verteidigt die Frauenrechte und unterstützt Freiheitskämpferinnen weltweit. Wir ehren jene, die von unserem „Marianne“-Programm für mehrere Monate eingeladen wurden, indem wir ihre Porträts auf dem Gitter um das Außenministerium am Quai d’Orsay ausstellen. Kommen Sie!
— Frz. Botschaft Österreich (@France_Autriche) March 8, 2023
The Embassy of the Republic of France also explained how France defends and supports women's rights of freedom fighters worldwide. "We honor those who have been invited by our "Marianne" program for several months by displaying their portraits on the grid around the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the Quai d'Orsay," the embassy said on Twitter.
On the occasion of International Human Rights Day, two years ago, the French President launched the initiative "Marianne" for the guardians of human rights.
The "Marianne" initiative aims to increase support for the guardians of human rights, whether abroad or in France, in collaboration with associations, NGOs, foundations and local authorities. This program is in line with the French strategy of "Human Rights and Development" and corresponds to France's priority objectives at the United Nations Human Rights Council.