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EU: Germany Biggest Net Payer, Poland Biggest Net Recipient
Politics ♦
Published: September 21, 2012; 20:06 ♦ (Vindobona)
In 2011, Poland received EU-aids of € 11bn. Among the new EU members, Hungary ranks second. In terms of GDP, Hungary is the biggest beneficiary.
EU: Germany Biggest Net Payer, Poland Biggest Net Recipient / Picture: © Vindobona.org
In the last years, Austria´s net contributions rose substantially. Last year, Vienna paid € 805m to Brussels. This corresponds to 0.27% of GDP. This is substantially more than in prior years. In 2008, Austrian net contributions reached € 356m (2009: € 402m, 2010 € 677m).
In total, gross contributions came at € 2.5bn. Return flows amounted to € 1.88bn. Subsidies for…
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