Elephant Baby Kibali - Schönbrunn Zoo Has a New Star

More+Photo Galleries ♦ Published: August 15, 2019; 08:50 ♦ (Vindobona)

Vienna's Schönbrunn Zoo has just welcomed a baby elephant into the world. The little Kibali was born at Europe’s best zoo. The little elephant measured 90 cm and weighed 90 kg.

The elephant baby's name is Kibali, she's female and she's a calendar star. / Picture: © Tiergarten Schönbrunn / Daniel Zupanc

The eagerly awaited elephant offspring was recently born at Schönbrunn Zoo. The dam Numbi gave birth to her young.

It's a female and everything looks great," says Dagmar Schratter, director of the zoo.

For the 27-year-old Numbi, who moved from Wuppertal to Vienna with her first kitten Kibo in 2009, it is the third kitten after the birth of Tuluba in 2010.
