Economic Growth Decreased Slightly in the 4th Quarter of 2010

BusinessEconomy ♦ Published: February 16, 2011; 00:08 ♦ (Vindobona)

The rise of Austria's economic performance in the 4th quarter 2010 was 0.6% in real terms compared with the previous quarter. This figure does not exactly strengthen the momentum of the economy.

Economic Growth Decreased Slightly in the 4th Quarter of 2010 / Picture: ©

Compared with the previous period, the Austrian economy continued its dynamic expansion in the fourth quarter of 2010 with +0.6%, but the figure is weaker than in the two previous quarters (third quarter +0.9%, second quarter +1.2%). In the fourth quarter, the unadjusted GDP was 2.4% above the level of the previous year. The economy is driven again by the exports industry. In the…