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Austrian Railways: EUR 17.5 Billion of Investment Until 2026
The railway system in Austria will see impactful investments in the near future. Due to a package of around EUR 17.5 billion until 2026, the Federal Government together with Austrian Railways (ÖBB) will try to make travelling and transporting by rail even more attractive to customers.
Austrian Railways (ÖBB) head Andreas Matthä is sure that there is a need for "a modern, efficient and future-proof railroad". / Picture: © ÖBB / Sabine Hauswirth
Over the next six years, the Austria Railways (ÖBB) will invest almost EUR 3 billion annually in a modern and efficient rail infrastructure on behalf of the Federal Government.
This will amount to EUR 17.5 billion by 2026.
A total of EUR 3 billion is earmarked for completely new projects in this framework plan period up to and including 2026. …
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