Austrian Parliament Passes Resolutions Regarding Iran and Ukraine
The Austrian Parliament has passed several resolutions concerning worldwide human rights issues such as hunger in Ukraine and women’s rights in Iran.

Through several resolutions, the Austrian parliament wanted to set an example in human rights matters today. For example, the deputies unanimously passed a resolution on the Holodomor in Ukraine and the condemnation of hunger and want as a weapon of war, according to the press release of APA OTS. A large majority also condemns violence against women and peaceful demonstrators in Iran, the press release further stated. In addition, the mandataries also opposed the persecution of ethnic, cultural and religious minorities.
In memory of the so-called Holodomor in Ukraine, the deputies voted unanimously in a motion for a resolution that hunger and scarcity should not be used as a weapon of war. As outlined in the motion, the Holodomor was a systematic starvation murder perpetrated by the Soviet Union under Stalin 90 years ago, which is condemned as a "terrible crime." Hunger and scarcity should not be used as a weapon against the civilian population or as a means of exerting pressure on governments, according to the motion. In addition, it criticizes Russia's current actions.
In addition, a large majority of deputies supported a resolution condemning violence against women in Iran. As a general matter, they demanded that the government take action against sexual and gender-based violence at the international level. An additional majority resolution condemned Iran's use of disproportionate force against peaceful protesters. The deputies are pushing for transparent investigations. The government should also work for the immediate and unconditional release of all arbitrarily detained demonstrators and political prisoners. By doing so, the death penalty will be abolished and minorities in Iran will no longer be persecuted.