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Austria: State Debts Could Amount to 74.5 Percent of GDP
Politics ♦
Published: October 21, 2013; 14:58 ♦ (Vindobona)
The statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat, raised doubts about the Austrian budget deficit and public debts because of the financial scandal of the government of the province of Salzburg.
Austria: State Debts Could Amount to 74.5 Percent of GDP / Picture: © Vindobona.org
Eurostat entered a quality reservation against Austria as the only EU member country. Public debt could increase by 0.5 percentage points from 74.0 percent to 74.5 percent of GDP because of financial liabilites in the amount of € 1.2bn of the province of Salzburg that were not reported.
On September 30 this year, Statisik Austria reported the figures to Eurostat where the…
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