Austria is Getting More Popular Among Arab People

BusinessEconomy ♦ Published: October 8, 2010; 14:37 ♦ (Vindobona)

Arab tourists find Austria increasingly pleasant. So far this year, the number of arrivals between January and August grew by 21% to 91,600 as compared to the same period of the previous year.

Austria is Getting More Popular Among Arab People / Picture: ©

The number of overnight stays increased by 21.7% to 330,800 after the decline in 2009. The slumps of the previous year and of the month of August 2010 will be more than compensated in the full year..

Ramadan and swine influenza act as a brake

In August 2010, mostly covered by Ramadan, overnight stays from the Arab region fell by 43.3% as compared to the same month…