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Arbeiterkammer: Labor Force in Austria Remains Highly Profitable
Politics ♦
Published: November 2, 2010; 15:31 ♦ (Vindobona)
The representatives of the interests of workers and employees raise criticism on the extents of wage and salary increases with a self-created study. The argument of the companies about the need to build up reserves is incorrect.
Arbeiterkammer: Labor Force in Austria Remains Highly Profitable / Picture: © Arbeiterkammer Austria
A study of the Arbeiterkammer (AK, Chamber of Labor) shows that Austrian companies have profiter very well from their employees, even during the crisis of 2009. The financial statements of medium and large enterprises in Austria were evaluated to this end.
On average the companies achieved in 2009 net profits of 36,500 euro per employee per year. This is almost the same result…
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