Alexander Schallenberg Appointed Austrian Foreign Minister and Minister for European Affairs

PeopleDiplomats ♦ Published: May 30, 2019; 15:39 ♦ (Vindobona)

The new Austrian Interim Chancellor Ms. Brigitte Bierlein has declared her intention to appoint career diplomat and lawyer Dr. Alexander Schallenberg (50) as Karin Kneissl's successor and thus designated interim Foreign Minister and Minister for European Affairs.

Dr. Alexander Schallenberg has been named interim Foreign Minister and Minister for European Affairs. (Schallenberg at at the Stadtakademie 2018) / Picture: ©

Alexander Schallenberg is an Austrian lawyer and career diplomat.

He is regarded as the confidant of former Chancellor Kurz.

Alexander Schallenberg studied law at the University of Vienna and the Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas until 1994. He continued his studies for 1 year at the College of Europe (Europakolleg).

He is also regarded as chief strategist in…