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Ylva Johansson

Greece Takes Over ICMPD Chairmanship from Türkiye: Reorientation of Migration Partnerships
At a ceremony in Brussels, the chairmanship of the steering group of the International Center for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) was handed over from Türkiye to Greece. Under the motto "A holistic approach to balanced migration partnerships", high-level representatives came together to discuss the future direction of migration policy.
February 20, 2024

Border Controls with Slovenia and Hungary Will be Extended

The border controls between the Slovenian-Austrian and Hungarian-Austrian border will be extended once again. Austria's Interior Minister Nehammer cited as reasons the "continuing migration pressure, maintenance of internal security and the tense situation surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic".
October 14, 2020

The European Way: Meet the Team of Ursula von der Leyen

At the heart of the new Commission's work is the need to address the changes in climate, technology and demography that are transforming European societies and way of life. Von der Leyen has structured and presented her team according to these requirements. Read below where the 27 commissioners come from and what they represent.
September 10, 2019