Wilhelm Molterer

„Demand for Loans Will Grow“

In an interview with „Wirtschaftsblatt“, Vice-President of EIB (European Investment Bank) Wilhelm Molterer indicates that banks may not be prepared for an increasing demand for loans.

September 6, 2013

Austrian Audit Court Criticizes Nationalization of Kommunalkredit

According to the Austrian Audit Court, the former owner of Kommunalkredit VBAG would have survived without the nationalization.

October 15, 2012

EIB: Fewer Funds for Austrian Companies

After a record in 2011, the European Investment Bank (EIB) will reduce lending to Austrian companies this year.

February 24, 2012

Wilhelm Molterer Appointed Vice-President of the EIB

The former Austrian Vice Chancellor and Finance Minister will start his new job as Vice-President of the European Union’s bank on 1 July.

June 30, 2011

Molterer Nominated as Vice-President of the EIB

Former Vice-Chancellor and Finance Minister Wilhelm Molterer is nominanted as candidate for Vice-President of the European Investment Bank (EIB).

February 23, 2011

Wilhelm Molterer: Management Consultant Since Early October

Former ÖVP Vice Chancellor and Finance Minister Wilhelm Molterer (55) started working as a management consultant. Since early October, his EuroAdvisory GmbH based at Mahler Road 11, is operative in the Vienna city center .

October 12, 2010
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