
Strabag building art storage facility in Budapest for over 350,000 works of art

The European construction group STRABAG has been awarded the contract to build an art storage facility as part of the Liget Budapest Project. The complex of five buildings forms part of the National Museum Restoration and Storage Centre (OMRRK). The contract has a value of approximately EUR 39 million.

March 27, 2017

Strabag assumes construction of GKI power plant along the river Inn(with document)

Strabag AG, working in a consortium with two other Austrian construction companies - Jäger Bau GmbH and G. Hinteregger & Söhne Baugesellschaft m.b.H -, assumed the tunnel driving works for the Maria Stein pressure flow tunnel of the Gemeinschaftskraftwerk Inn (GKI) power plant.

February 28, 2017

Strabag to prepare industrial park Nitra in Slovakia for EUR 96 million

A subsidiary of publicly listed construction group STRABAG SE has been awarded another construction contract at the Nitra Industrial Park in western Slovakia from the Slovak business settlement company MH Invest s.r.o. The EUR 96 million order foresees the levelling and conditioning of a 1,795,000 m2 section of the industrial park in preparation for the construction of a Jaguar Land Rover automotive plant. In accordance with the award criteria, the project is being carried out to BREEAM standards.

February 24, 2017

Strabag PFS enters system and development partnership with Microsoft

STRABAG Property and Facility Services (STRABAG PFS) and Microsoft will work together over the next few years to develop industry solutions under the name "Real Estate Services 4.0" for the control, management and operational provision of facility management services.

February 22, 2017

Strabag PFS invests in industrial cleaning start-up

STRABAG Property and Facility Services (STRABAG PFS) is taking a 75 % stake in the Austrian Egger PowAir Cleaning GmbH, Salzburg, as part of a capital increase. The company, which has won several innovation and business awards, was founded in 2014 and currently has 15 employees. It generated sales of EUR 1.2 million in 2016.

February 20, 2017

Strabag SE intends to confirm EBIT margin of at least 3 % as sustainable

The publicly listed European-based technology group for construction services STRABAG SE today announced its first figures for the 2016 financial year and issued an outlook for 2017.

February 15, 2017

Strabag subsidiary to build new Kriegsstraße car tunnel in Karlsruhe

Karlsruher Schieneninfrastruktur-Gesellschaft mbH (KASIG) is putting its trust in the civil engineering competence of Ed. Züblin AG. The STRABAG Group subsidiary is leading a consortium with Schleith GmbH to build the Kriegsstraße car tunnel in Karlsruhe.

December 13, 2016

STRABAG SE / Agreement concluded with Raiffeisen/Uniqa on purchase of all shares of Raiffeisen evolution project development GmbH

The Management Board of STRABAG SE reports that the assignment contract related to the acquisition of all shares of Raiffeisen evolution project development GmbH was concluded today. The transaction will take effect immediately following approval by the competition authorities in Austria and Hungary.

December 2, 2016

Strabag SE on track to reach goal for 2016

After nine months, the publicly listed construction company STRABAG SE is on track to reach its goal for the financial year 2016: "We should be able to reach our target EBIT margin of 3 % in 2016 - even when not taking into account a non- operating profit. So we are confident of being able to hold this level sustainably.

November 30, 2016

STRABAG SE / Quarterly Report

STRABAG SE is declaring the following financial reports below.

November 30, 2016

Strabag subsidiary building East Side Mall shopping centre in Berlin

Luxembourg-based Forum Invest S.a.r.l has commissioned Ed. Züblin AG, the market leader in building construction and civil engineering in Germany, to build the new East Side Mall in Berlin. Forum Invest is represented by Berlin-based project development company FREO Financial & Real Estate Operations GmbH.

November 28, 2016

Strabag wins best bidder contest for widening of A1 motorway in Austria

Austrian construction company STRABAG has been awarded the contract by ASFINAG, the Austrian motorway operator, to widen the A1 motorway to three lanes between Matzleinsdorf and Pöchlarn.

October 6, 2016

STRABAG increases its stake in Raiffeisen evolution to 100 percent

The European-based construction and technology group STRABAG, already a 20 % shareholder of Raiffeisen evolution project development GmbH, is acquiring the remaining 80 % stake in the company previously held by Raiffeisen Group and UNIQA Insurance Group AG. The shareholders today reached a basic agreement on the most important conditions of the share transfer. The transaction is still pending approval by the respective company boards.

September 16, 2016

Strabag awarded rail contract in Hungary

The publicly listed construction company STRABAG will electrify and upgrade the 51 km railway line between Budapest and Esztergom on behalf of one of Hungary's largest state-owned investment companies, NIF (National Infrastructure Development Company). The contract, with a value of approx. EUR 108 million, will be carried out as a joint venture with TRSZ Kft. and MVM OVIT Zrt. - STRABAG holds 51.67 %. Construction will begin this summer and is scheduled for completion in 2018.

September 16, 2016

Large contract for Strabag subsidiary: Expansion of Södertälje Canal

Züblin Scandinavia AB, a Swedish subsidiary of publicly listed construction group STRABAG, has been awarded the contract by the Swedish Maritime Administration Sjöfartsverket to build a new lock and to enlarge the Södertälje Canal - a part of the so-called Mälaren project - located south of Stockholm in Sweden.

September 9, 2016

Strabag SE with better earnings after six months (with document)

Publicly listed construction company STRABAG SE reports about a very positive development in the first six months of 2016.

August 31, 2016

STRABAG SE / Half Yearly Report

STRABAG SE is declaring the following financial reports below.

August 31, 2016

EANS-Total Voting Rights: STRABAG SE / Release according to article 93 BörseG with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution

STRABAG SE AG hereby announces that at the end of the month July 2016 the number of voting rights amounts to a total of 110.000.000 voting rights. The stated capital is now EUR 110.000.000. The change of total voting rights is effective as of 22.07.2016.

July 29, 2016

STRABAG SE Supervisory Board approves of exercising the authorization to acquire own shares

The 12th Annual General Meeting of STRABAG SE (the "Company") held on 10 June 2016 authorized the Management Board of the Company to acquire own shares pursuant to Section 65 Paragraph 1 No. 8 as well as Paragraph 1a and 1b of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act (AktG)in the amount of up to 10 % of the Company's share capital, with such authorization being valid for a duration of 13 months from the day of having passed the resolution, i. e. until 10 July 2017.

July 15, 2016

Strabag to design and build for Siemens in Switzerland using BIM.5D®(with document)

STRABAG AG Switzerland, a subsidiary of STRABAG SE, has been awarded the contract to build an office building and a production building for Siemens in Zug, Switzerland. The contract, which has a value of around EUR 100 million, will be carried out by STRABAG as design-and-build contractor and main contractor, respectively. The client, Siemens Real Estate, chose STRABAG also for its proven competence in Building Information Modelling (BIM).

June 20, 2016

Strabag subsidiary Züblin awarded EUR 400 million contract in Chile(with document)

Züblin International, a subsidiary of publicly listed construction company STRABAG, has been awarded a EUR 400 million contract by Codelco, the world's largest copper producer. The Chuquicamata Mine, located in northern Chile, will be transformed from the world's largest open pit to an underground operation.

June 13, 2016

EANS-General Meeting: STRABAG SE / Resolutions of the General Meeting

Voting resultsin accordance with Sec 128 Para 2 of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act (AktG) for the 12th Annual General Meetingheld on 10 June 2016 at 10:00 a.m. at Austria Center Vienna, Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1, 1220 Vienna.

June 10, 2016

EANS-General Meeting: STRABAG SE / Resolutions of the General Meeting

The 12th regular Annual General Meeting of STRABAG SE held on 10 June 2016 voted to approve the recommendation by the Management Board to pay a dividend of EUR 0.65 per share for the 2015 financial year.

June 10, 2016

Strabag SE reduces seasonal winter losses in first quarter of 2016(with document)

Publicly listed construction company STRABAG SE has reduced its winter losses - typical in the construction industry - in the first three months of the year. The earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) improved by 13 %, the earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) by 9 %. The net income after minorities, at EUR -116.99 million, settled at about the same level as the first quarter last year.

May 31, 2016

STRABAG SE / Quarterly Report

STRABAG SE is declaring the following financial reports below.

May 31, 2016

EANS-General Meeting: STRABAG SE / Invitation to the General Meeting

By official notice in Wiener Zeitung issued on 13 May 2016, our shareholders were invited to the Annual General Meeting of STRABAG SEon Friday, 10 June 2016, at 10:00 a.m., in Austria Center Vienna, Hall F, Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1, 1220 Vienna.

May 13, 2016

EANS-General Meeting: STRABAG SE / Invitation to the General Meeting

We hereby invite our shareholders to the 12th Annual General Meeting of STRABAG SE on Friday, 10 June 2016, at 10:00 a.m., at Austria Center Vienna, Hall F, Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1, 1220 Vienna.

May 13, 2016

Strabag awarded road and tunnel construction contract in Norway (withdocument)

STRABAG SE, the European technology group for construction services, has been selected as main contractor to build a section of European Route E16, the most important link between the Norwegian capital of Oslo and the country's second largest city of Bergen. This is the first construction contract being carried out by STRABAG in Norway as sole contractor.

May 12, 2016

Strabag to build Contract Section South of Berlin-Dresden rail linefor Deutsche Bahn (with document)

Two German subsidiaries of publicly listed technology group STRABAG SE have been awarded Contract Section South by Deutsche Bahn AG to upgrade approx. 30 km of the Berlin-Dresden railway line.

May 4, 2016

Strabag SE earnings 2015: On course for a 3% EBIT margin (withdocument)

The publicly listed construction company STRABAG SE significantly grew its earnings in the 2015 financial year. The earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) reached EUR 341.04 million, a 21 % increase over the previous year. Double-digit growth was also achieved in the net income after minorities, with a plus of 22 % to EUR 156.29 million, and the earnings per share, which gained from EUR 1.25 to EUR 1.52.

April 29, 2016

STRABAG SE / Yearly Report

STRABAG SE is declaring the following financial reports below.

April 29, 2016

STRABAG SE / Planned reduction of share capital by EUR 4,000,000.00through withdrawal of 4,000,000 own shares (with document)

The Management Board of STRABAG SE has proposed to the Supervisory Board that the Annual General Meeting of the company on 10 June 2016 be presented a resolution concerning the reduction of the share capital (for the purpose of reducing the number of own shares) from EUR 114,000,000.00 by EUR 4,000,000.00 to EUR 110,000,000.00 by withdrawing 4,000,000 own shares representing a proportionate amount of the share capital of EUR 4,000,000.00 in accordance with Section 192 Paragraph 3 No. 2, Paragraph 4 of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act (AktG).

April 25, 2016

STRABAG SE / Share purchase agreement concluded with minorityshareholders of Ed. Züblin AG (with document)

The Management Board of STRABAG SE announces that the share price agreement has been concluded with all minority shareholders of Ed. Züblin AG, based in Stuttgart, Germany, over their combined 42.74 % stake in the company. The 100 % subsidiary Ilbau Liegenschaftsverwaltung GmbH now holds 94.9 % of the shares of Ed. Züblin AG.

April 7, 2016

Strabag subsidiary Züblin building new trivago headquarters forapprox. EUR 81 million (with document)

Ed. Züblin AG has won a new large order: The subsidiary of STRABAG SE has been hired as general contractor to build the new corporate headquarters of trivago GmbH in the Medienhafen business area of Düsseldorf. The metasearch engine trivago will be the sole tenant of the six-storey building, commissioned by Vienna-based IMMOFINANZ as the first construction section on the property at Kesselstraße. The entire project, including construction design, has a total contract value of about EUR 81 million. Work has already begun and is scheduled for completion in mid-2018.

March 14, 2016

Strabag wins further EUR 108 million contract section for A1 motorwayin Poland (with document)

After the Wozniki-Pyrzowice section of the A1 motorway in Poland, the publicly listed construction group STRABAG has now also been awarded the contract to build the section between the Zawodzie Junction and Wozniki Junction.

March 7, 2016

Strabag subsidiary Züblin to build section of Stockholm Bypass withcontract value of about EUR 76 million (with document)

Züblin Scandinavia AB, a Swedish subsidiary of Ed. Züblin AG, has been awarded the contract by the Swedish transport authority Trafikverket to build a section of the Stockholm motorway bypass. The project comprises the construction of an approximately 950 m long section of motorway including interchange for a total of about EUR 76 million.

March 3, 2016

Strabag SE confirms earnings target: EBIT margin of 3 % from 2016 onward

The publicly listed European-based technology group for construction services STRABAG SE today announced its first figures for the 2015 financial year and issued an outlook for 2016.

February 22, 2016

Strabag expanding S8 in Poland for EUR 57 million - Second contractafter S17

The publicly listed construction group STRABAG has been awarded its second large road construction contract in Poland within a short period of time. The General Directorate for National Roads and Highways (GDDKiA) has commissioned STRABAG to design and build the S8 expressway between Radziejowice and Przeszkoda for EUR 57 million. The 9.9 km concrete roadway is scheduled for completion within 31 months.

February 9, 2016

Strabag awarded road construction contracts in Poland totalling EUR108 million (with document)

The publicly listed construction group STRABAG, via its Polish subsidiaries, has been awarded two contracts totalling PLN 484 million (approx. EUR 108 million) from Poland's General Directorate for National Roads and Highways (GDDKiA).

February 1, 2016

Strabag refinancing EUR 2.4 billion in loans before maturity

The publicly listed construction and technology group STRABAG SE has taken advantage of the favourable financing environment and recent credit enhancement to refinance two loans totalling EUR 2.4 billion before their original maturity. The conditions and terms to maturity of the EUR 2.0 billion syndicated surety loan and the EUR 0.4 billion syndicated cash credit line have been redefined. The new five-year terms to maturity - i.e. until 2021 - with two options to extend by one year each will further allow STRABAG SE to secure its comfortable financing position for the long term.

January 28, 2016

Strabag subsidiary Züblin to expand world's largest copper mine in Chile

Züblin International, a subsidiary of publicly listed construction company STRABAG, has been awarded a follow-up contract by Codelco, the world's largest copper producer, to expand El Teniente Mine in Rancagua, 80 km south of the capital Santiago de Chile. Züblin has already been carrying out extensive tunnelling works at the mine since March 2014. The new EUR 100 million contract will make Züblin one of the leading construction companies in underground mining in Chile.

January 15, 2016

Strabag Builds Hydroelectric Power Plant in Bosnia-Herzegovina Worth € 57 Million

A consortium consisting of Austrian construction group Strabag and Croatian industrial company Končar has been awarded the contract to build the Vranduk power plant on the river Bosna on behalf of energy supply company JP Elektroprivreda BiH.

January 11, 2016

STRABAG planning sale of hydraulic engineering business to Boskalis

The European-based construction and technology group STRABAG SE has reached an agreement with Netherlands-based Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V., a leading service provider in the field of dredging and marine infrastructure, on the most important points of the sale of its hydraulic engineering business. As part of an asset deal with a purchase price of EUR 70 million, Hamburg-based STRABAG Wasserbau GmbH, the leader in the German dredging sector, will transfer its equipment, staff and a series of recently signed maintenance contracts to the buyer.

January 4, 2016

STRABAG SE agrees with minority shareholders on 100 % takeover ofEd. Züblin AG

The Management Board of STRABAG SE, as majority shareholder of Ed. Züblin AG, announces that it expects in all probability to reach a contractual agreement soon with the minority shareholders of Züblin on a complete takeover of the shares held by the latter in the Stuttgart/Germany-based company (42.74 %). Both sides have just confirmed an informal agreement on the most important conditions of the share transfer. The parties to this proposed transaction have agreed not to disclose any information on the conditions at this time. On the part of STRABAG SE, approval by the Supervisory Board is still required.

December 7, 2015

STRABAG SE / Quarterly Report

STRABAG SE is declaring the following financial reports below.

November 30, 2015

Strabag SE grows earnings after nine months, reiterates outlook (withdocument)

The publicly listed construction group STRABAG SE has significantly increased its earnings in the first nine months of 2015: The earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) showed double-digit growth, earnings per share rose from EUR 0.14 to EUR 0.57. The order backlog decreased from a previously high level.

November 30, 2015

Strabag subsidiary Center Communication Systems to extend tunnel transmitter system for Vienna underground

Center Communication Systems GmbH, a 100 % subsidiary of Strabag AG, has been awarded the largest contract in its company history. The specialist for mission-critical communication systems and security solutions has been commissioned by Wiener Linien, the public transport operator in Vienna, to modernise and extend the tunnel transmitter system for the underground metropolitan railway (U-Bahn) in the Austrian capital. The EUR 17.5 million contract involves a 78.5 km network with more than 100 stations.

September 17, 2015

Strabag SE with better earnings after six months, outlook confirmed(with document)

The publicly listed construction group STRABAG SE has significantly improved its earnings in the first half of 2015: The earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) rose by 54 %. As is usual, the earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) were still negative after the first six months; they were 37 % and earnings per share 40 % less deeply in negative territory.

August 31, 2015

STRABAG SE / Half Yearly Report

STRABAG SE is declaring the following financial reports below.

August 31, 2015

Strabag Wins Road Deal in Poland for € 118 Million

Listed builder Strabag won a EUR 118 million (USD 135.4 million) contract in Poland for the construction of a 15 km motorway section between Woźniki and Pyrzowice plus one motorway maintenance facility, two rest stops, 29 bridges and wildlife crossings. Completion is supposed to take place in mid-2018.

August 27, 2015
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