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S & P

BNP: Austrian Economy Recovers

GDP in Austria contracted slightly in Q4 2011 as exports fell, but weak growth is likely to have resumed at the beginning of 2012, says BNP Paribas.
March 26, 2012

Fekter: "Eurogroup Chief Must Be Head of Government"

Austria’s Finance Minister Maria Fekter said the next leader of the group of euro-area finance ministers has to be a head of his or her government in order to have the necessary authority.
March 6, 2012

OeNB´s Nowotny Says Regaining AAA Credit Rating Can Take Years

European Central Bank Governing Council member Ewald Nowotny said history has shown that it can take years for a country to win back an AAA rating.
February 25, 2012

Austria Will Not Get „AAA“ Back in Near Future

The economist at the German Deka bank, Ulrich Kater, does not think that Austria will be upgraded within the next years.
February 22, 2012

Stepic Criticizes Rating Agencies Sharply

For Herbert Stepic, CEO of Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI), statements given by the U.S. rating agencies are “undifferentiated”.
February 20, 2012

Cernko: „Triple A Only in the Medium Term“

Bank Austria´s CEO Willibald Cernko does not think that Austria re-gains its “AAA” status within the next three years.
February 16, 2012

Austrian Government Presents € 27bn Austerity Package

The largest austerity package in Austria´s history mainly consists of cuts in expenditures. The government emphasized the socially balanced measures and the necessity due to reasons of competitiveness.
February 11, 2012

S&P Downgrades Austrian Provinces

The U.S. rating agencies lowers ratings for Upper Austria, Vienna and Tyrol from “AAA” to “AA+”.
January 26, 2012

S&P Keeps Rating for Erste Group and RZB

After the downgrade of Austrian sovereign bonds two weeks ago, the U.S. rating agency remains its ratings for the two largest domestic banks.
January 25, 2012

Treichl: „S&P Errs Sometimes“

Erste Bank is ‘not guilty’ of Austria’s downgrade, CEO Andreas Treichl says.
January 25, 2012

Erste Group to Support Austrian Bonds

Erste Group considers putting effort in distributing Austrian sovereign bonds to its customers. Attractiveness should be increased, Erste Group says.
January 21, 2012

Loss of “AAA“: Austrians Blame Politicians

For Austrians, the government did not take the threat of losing the “triple-A” serious enough.
January 20, 2012

Government to Sharpen Austerity Measures

After the downgrade of Austrian sovereign bonds from „AAA“ to „AA+“ by S&P, the Austrian government aims to reach its austerity targets earlier.
January 17, 2012

Downgrade: „It´s Time to Take Action“

The downgrade of Austria´s rating from “AAA” to “AA+” caused mixed reactions. The Austrian economy urges for structural actions.
January 15, 2012

Downgrade: Government Surprised and Criticized

For the Austrian government, the downgrade by the U.S. rating agency is „not comprehensible”. The domestic industry urgently claims structural reforms.
January 14, 2012

Austria to Lose its AAA

According to partially confirmed market rumors, S&P will downgrade France and Austria.
January 13, 2012

Austrian Banks Have $ 41.0bn Exposure in Hungary

After another downgrade, a national bankruptcy of Hungary is not excluded anymore. Consequences for Austrian banks would not be foreseeable.
January 7, 2012

Hungary Becomes Fundamental Risk Factor for Austrian Banks

Over the last weeks, fears of a Hungarian bankruptcy grew drastically. The Hungarian Forint has reached a new record low.
January 5, 2012

S&P: Austria Faces Recession

The rating agency forecasts shrinking economic output for countries with large exports.
December 17, 2011

S&P Cuts Uniqa´s Rating

Standard & Poors today lowered the long-term financial rating of the Austrian insurance group Uniqa from “A-“ to “BBB+”.
December 13, 2011

Rating Agencies Are Seen As Threat

The governor of the Austrian Central Bank, Ewald Nowotny, attacks S&P. For the head of the economic research institute IHS, Bernhard Felderer, the negative outlook must be seen as a warning signal.
December 7, 2011

S&P: Negative Outlook for Austria

The rating agency Standard & Poor´s gives a negative outlook to all triple-A countries in the EU.
December 6, 2011

S&P Reviews Uniqa’s Rating

The Austrian insurance company was set to CreditWatch negative due to its weakened capital adequacy. A downgrade by one notch is possible.
November 10, 2011

S&P: Austrian Energy Suppliers more Robust than Competitors

Southern European providers are especially affected by the current debt crisis. Austrian companies “seem to be immune”, the rating agency says.
November 3, 2011

Austria´s Triple A „Not Endangered“

From a global view, 18 countries have a “AAA-status”. The current debt crisis makes market observers nervous.
September 26, 2011

S&P: „Austrian Banks Undercapitalized“

The rating agency Standard & Poor´s (S&P) sees a substantial undercapitalization for Austrian banks. The recommended rist-adjusted capital quota is 8%, Austrian banks are below.
September 19, 2011

Standard & Poor's Confirm 'A' Rating for Uniqa Group

The Austrian insurance group’s rating was confirmed. Free float will be raised to 49% in the course of a capital increase.
June 3, 2011

Atrium European Real Estate Announces Credit Rating Update

Atrium European Real Estate Limited a real estate company owned by Citigroup/Gazit, is placed on CreditWatch Negative.
February 2, 2011

AAA Rating Confirmed for Austria

The rating agency Standard & Poor’s; leaves Austria’s credit status unchanged.
December 22, 2010

Standard & Poor’s: Austria's Credit Rating at Risk

The reasons for such gloomy prospects are not problems with the banks or domestic companies, but rather the demographic situation threaten Austria's credit rating.
November 11, 2010