Savings Capacity in Austrian Health Care System

Expenses for the Austrian health care system amount to 11.0% of the GDP. The savings capacity has to be exploited, politicians say.

November 12, 2011

„Education at a Glance“: Austria Falls Behind

According to the study of the OECD, Austria has a slightly rising level of graduates. Nevertheless, the difference to the OECD average is still substantial.

September 13, 2011

No Common Trend for CEE-Countries

Regarding economic growth, prospects for CEE countries have worsened slightly. However, the region remains heterogeneous.

September 13, 2011

OECD Calls for Reforms and Increased Efficiency

The OECD expects growth of 2.9% in 2011 and a further decline in the unemployment rate. To maintain the country’s performance the study recommends reforms in many areas.

July 11, 2011

Economic Report 2011: Government Surprised by Quick Recovery

Experts praise Austria’s relatively stable performance during the years of crisis and call for reforms necessary for ensuring the country’s competitiveness.

July 8, 2011

Swiss Expert Criticizes Austria’s Role in International Money Laundering

OECD expert: “Austria is used as a gateway for international money laundering. It is doing too little to fight the phenomenon.” Only twelve convictions were made in 2009.

May 26, 2011

Austria’s Economy Is Growing Faster Than Expected

The Austrian economy has grown faster than expected. The OECD raised its growth forecast to 2.9%.

May 25, 2011

Tax Treaty between Austria and Germany

Austria and Germany sign a revision protocol on double taxation agreements to implement the OECD standards of transparency and effective exchange of information.

January 19, 2011

R&D: High Activities of Austrian Firms with Foreign Co-Investors

The OECD publishes its Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2010 for Austria. 23% of R&D expenses are funded from abroad.

January 4, 2011

More Employees in Austria, Purchasing Power and Taxes Remain High.

Austria records an employment increase of 1.2%. Purchasing power and taxes are above the international average.

December 15, 2010

CESEE Bank Conference: Joint Supervisory Academy in Vienna

Finance Minister Josef Pröll wants to create common standards for the CEE region with an Eastern Bank Supervisory Academy in Vienna.

September 17, 2010

Transaction tax - OECD European solo attempt

According to Jeffrey Owens, head of the OECD's tax department, a transaction tax only makes sense if it relates to the financial centres on a global scale.

July 12, 2010

OECD’s criticism of low labour force participation of older people

In Austria, the labour market has weathered the global economic crisis better than most other OECD countries.

July 7, 2010
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