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NBR National Bank of Romania

Romania: Base Rate at Record Low

Today, the Board of the National Bank of Romania has cut the base rate to 3.50 % from 3.75%. Since July, borrowing costs were cut by 175 bps. Economists think that there will be no further cuts.
February 4, 2014

Romania: Banks Keep Risk Margins Unchanged

In spite of the recent cut in the key rate to an all-time low of four percent the financial institutes will not loosen risk policies.
November 19, 2013

Romanian Inflation Forecast Adjusted by NBR

The National Bank of Romania (NBR) has adjusted the inflation forecast downward for 2013 and 2014.
November 11, 2013

Romania: Key Rate Cut Again

The most recent cut was the fourth in a row since the beginning of July. Experts forecast the rate cutting cycle to stop in the first quarter next year when the country’s key rate is supposed to stand at 3.5 percent.
November 6, 2013

Romania: Erste Forecasts Economic Growth at 1.8 Percent

Erste keeps Romania's economic growth forecast for 2013 unchanged at 1.8 %.
June 3, 2013

Romania: No Investors for Post Company

Debts and a collective agreement which makes restructuring impossible until 2018 are among the main reasons the company is not attractive to potential investors.
May 29, 2013

Romania: Significant Decline in FDI

Foreign direct investments in Romania declined 41 percent due to ongoing economic difficulties in Eurozone member countries.
May 17, 2013

Romania Keeps Interest Rate Flat

In its meeting, the Board of the National Bank of Romania decided to keep the monetary policy rate unchanged at 5.25 percent per annum and too ensure adequate liquidity management in the banking system.
February 6, 2013