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Kunstforum Wien

19th Century Japan - Place of Western Longing and Enthusiasm

The exhibition "Fascination Japan" of the Kunstforum is dedicated to "Japomania" - the Western world's enthusiasm for the aesthetics and imagery of the Far East. It traces the development from the fascination for the exotic, the novel, from the beginnings in the 1860s until well after the turn of the century, to its amalgamation into the formal vocabulary of Western painting, the influence of its aesthetics on the development of modernism around 1900.
November 5, 2018 · Updated: November 23, 2018; 17:00

Man Ray at the Kunstforum Wien: "To Create is Divine, to Reproduce is Human"

Until 24 June 2018, the Kunstforum Wien is showing the exhibition "Man Ray", which portrays the significant painter and photographer Man Ray (born Emmanuel Radnitzky) in a selection of 150 key works from all over the world.
March 8, 2018