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U.S. Ambassador Kennedy Visits Carinthia
The Ambassador of the United States of America, Victoria Reggie Kennedy, was a guest in Carinthia. After a visit to the Carinthian provincial government and a meeting with Governor Peter Kaiser, she also examined the "American shelves" in the AK Library in Villach.
November 27, 2022

Austria Supports Montenegro By Providing Care for Covid-19 Patient

After an offer by Foreign Minister Schallenberg at the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, Montenegro has made use of Austria's proposal to take over the care Covid-19 patients in need of intensive medical treatment. A 46-year old male patient has been transferred to a hospital in Klagenfurt and will be treated in the intensive care unit.
December 28, 2020

Student Apartments Are Getting more Expensive in Austria
In 4 out of 6 student cities across Austria, the rent for single apartments which are mostly used by students are increasing. Only in Graz and in Linz the cost of the rent is experiencing a slight decline.
August 27, 2020