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Austrian Integration Fund Language Portal: Innovative German Learning with over 5,000 Exercises
The newly launched ÖIF language portal presents itself as the largest learning platform in the German-speaking world. Over 25,000 people use the services of the Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF) every day to improve their German language skills.
August 23, 2023

Expats Rank Vienna Last in Terms of "Local Friendliness"

The results of the "Expat Insider 2021" survey are in, and Vienna earned the top spot in quality of life but took last place in terms of the friendliness of the people. Read why Vienna simultaneously ranked so high and so low.
December 16, 2021

All You Wanted to Know About the German Embassy in Vienna

The rich history of the building(s) of the German Embassy in Vienna reflects both the history of Germany and its relationship with Austria.
May 10, 2021

Hypo Group’s Silence Bewilders Bayern LB

Bayern LB is puzzled as to why former affiliate, Carithian Hypo Group, has not shown any efforts to state their position before court.
March 21, 2013

Future of the EU Requires Solidarity And Integration

The EU has declared the year 2013 to be the “year of citizens”. The citizens of the EU should become aware of their European identity and their rights that come along with it.
March 15, 2013