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Eurobarometer Survey: Growing EU Support in Austria
A recent Eurobarometer survey reveals a remarkable trend: support and a positive image of the European Union (EU) have increased in Austria and across Europe. According to Martin Selmayr, Head of the European Commission Representation in Austria, the mood towards the EU in Austria is "better than often assumed."
December 26, 2023

EU Skepticism in Austria Underpinned by Eurobarometer Survey
According to the latest Eurobarometer survey, Austrians continue to be among the biggest EU skeptics in Europe. Only 35 percent regard the EU as a whole as "positive," while the EU average is 45 percent. Just under a third of respondents in Austria are in favor of EU enlargement, while across Europe half are in favor.
July 10, 2023

Edtstadler: Eurobarometer Confirms Need to "Actively Engage" EU Population

The EU Conference on the Future of Europe will be starting on May 9. The EU Council, European Parliament and European Commission have now signed a joint declaration, which sets the path for a series of citizen-led debates. Austria's Minister for European Affairs Edtstadler welcomes the step and sees it as a necessity to listen to the European population.
March 11, 2021

Austrians Show Decreased Approval for EU

In a recent survey published by the European Parliament, the EU loses approval in Austria. Almost half of the Austrians survey believe that the European Union moves in a completely wrong direction, while only 35 percent believe the opposite. Compared to the numbers from 2019, the EU is losing support in Austria.
February 18, 2021