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Luxury Goods Group: Swarovski Drops Further in Ranking

The famous Austrian crystal glass manufacturer Swarovski has fallen a further 3 places on the global ranking of luxury goods sales. The company's sales also halved between 2017 and 2020 from 3.5 billion euros to 1.7 billion euros. Read about Swarovski's decline in sales and the general downturn in the luxury goods industry.
December 8, 2021

Real Estate: Property Becoming Increasingly Expensive in Austria
Real Estate prices continue to rise in Austria despite the COVID-19 pandemic. While the property market is becoming increasingly expensive, rents in Vienna remain fairly affordable. Learn the new cost of buying property in Austria and how it compares with the rest of Europe.
August 5, 2021

Apartment Prices: Austria in Top Third of Europe

A recent study by the consulting firm Deloitte shows that Austrian apartments are still relatively affordable in comparison to other European countries, both in terms of purchase and rent.
August 9, 2019

Expat Advise: How Does the Austrian Tax and Social Security System Work?

If you are moving to Vienna as an expat or are already living here with employment income and want to find your way around the complicated Austrian tax and social security system, Vindobona recommends attending an interesting event organised by the Vienna Business Agency and Deloitte Austria.
March 22, 2018

Kovats Has to Increase Quota

The remaining divisions of the insolvent A-Tec Group are being valued. Kovats will not be able to avoid an increase of the quota for the creditors.
December 8, 2010

Hypo Group: Motives for Purchase of BayernLB Unexplained

In 2007, when the Carinthian Hypo Group Alpe Adria was sold to the BayernLB, there were many critical technical opinions. The Bavarians bought despite them.
December 5, 2010

Taxand opens CEE headquarter in Vienna

Taxand, a global organization of tax advisory firms, welcomed Taxand Austria to its fold. Each firm in each country is a separate and independent legal entity responsible for delivering client services.
October 1, 2010