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Further Rise in Energy Prices for Households

Austrian energy prices in November 2010 were higher by 5.8% compared to the previous year. Only gas became cheaper.
December 27, 2010

Generali Money Study: What Austrians Will Spend their Money on in 2011

More money will be spent on vacations, housing and sports. Propensity to consume is higher in men.
December 27, 2010

Inflation falls to 1.9% in November

According to calculations by Statistik Austria, the inflation rate for November 2010 was 1.9% after 2.1% in October. Price drivers are energy and housing.
December 16, 2010

Austrians spend about € 2.5bn on gifts

Spending propensity shows a rising trend. Cash is still the most widely means of payment.
December 14, 2010

Increase of Austrians’ Purchasing Power

Despite higher taxes and lower benefits, the purchasing power of the Austrian people will grow in 2011 by an estimated 2.6%.
December 7, 2010

Growth Trend in Austrian Advertising Market

After the crisis year 2009, the Austrian advertising industry expects strong growth. The first signs are already visible.
December 1, 2010

EU Growth Forecast: Austria Slightly Over Average

The EU Commission has revised its growth forecast for 2011 slightly upwards. Austria stays at 1.7% in the above average area.
November 30, 2010

WIFO: Budget Consolidation in the EU is Not Sustainable

WIFO criticizes the consolidation programs of the individual EU countries for being easily enforceable, but containing hardly any sustainable measures.
November 29, 2010

Austria's Energy Consumption Falls

The energy consumption of Austria decreased in 2009 compared with the previous year by 4%. Mainly industry and transport reduced their consumption.
November 23, 2010

Private Consumption of Austrians Increases

After the crisis of 2009, in which private consumption stagnated, expenditure on consumption rises massively again. The growth rate is 4.2%,
November 17, 2010

Austria: Strong Growth Again in the Third Quarter 2010

According to the latest flash estimate of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), Austria's economy again expanded in the third quarter of 2010 by 0.9% over the previous quarter (after +1.2% in the second quarter).
November 12, 2010

Post Partners: The Concept Establishes Itself

The concept developed by the Wirtschaftskammer and the Post is more successful than expected. In total it should come to 2,000 branches.
November 9, 2010

Shopping Climate Index CEE - Slight Consumption Rebound

For the first time in the past two years the RegioData Shopping Climate Index CEE has improved considerably compared to the previous quarter.
October 12, 2010

Inflation in Austria fell slightly

Inflation in Austria fell from 2.0 to 1.9 percent in July on an annual basis. The main drivers were price increases for housing and fuels, which are responsible for half of the increase in CPI.
August 16, 2010

Mitterlehner calling for judicious austerity measures

Economics Minister Reinhold Mitterlehner warns EU countries about excessive savings. "Instead of linear cuts, you should save intelligently. Otherwise, domestic consumption is decreased too much," said Mitterlehner.
July 19, 2010

Slowdown expected in the third quarter

A return to recession is not expected according to economists at Bank Austria, but the peak was now surpassed.
July 13, 2010